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On Monday morning Corey found himself back at the towering skyscraper where his interview had taken place. He heaved a heavy sigh and made his way towards the elevator. I can't do this. I can't do this. His thoughts were a festering cloud that followed him through the building. His hand stilled over the elevators button. It's not as bad as you think. People muttered impatiently behind him. Ok, maybe it is maybe I should-

"You know you actually have to press the button to get it to open." A voice drawled from behind him, causing Corey's shoulders to tense.

"Right, sorry." He hurriedly pushed the button, stepped in the elevator, and turned to see who had spoken to him. The man was just slightly taller than Corey and had a smile that he recognized immediately.

"Kai! What are you doing here?" Corey spoke loudly. A few of the other people in the elevator glared at him which caused a slight blush to Corey's face as he chastised himself for being so loud.

Kai had a small smile on his face and leaned against the back of the elevator, the epitome of careless ease. Corey had met Kai over Grindr, and they had spent many steamy nights together. Kai had a muscular build and toned shoulders that Corey very much appreciated during said steamy nights. He had dark brown eyes that were adorned with long lashes. His lips were rosy and looked full, despite the cold weather threatening to chap them. Kai's hair was jet black, and slightly brushed over his eyes covering his forehead a little. Corey remembered times when he would run his fingers through Kai's soft black hair and feel his body pressed against his.

He had always sighed when seeing Kai, his face always so perfectly proportioned. However, Corey had broken off their- well relationship wasn't really the right word because it was never more than a hookup, but Corey liked how easy it was to talk to him.

"I got an intern position for the retailer sector. The CEO interviewed me yesterday. The guy's kind of dick, don't you think?" Corey didn't stop him as he rattled on. "Anyway, I'm guessing you're here as an intern, right?"

"Actually, I'm working for the asshole CEO, his assistant actually. He thought the position would fit me better." Corey scooched closer to Kai, finding his presence and warmth soothing.

"Ah. I see." The elevator rose and rose, the retail sector being pretty high up in the building. Of course Mr. Hunter had to have his office at the top floor of the skyscraper. Corey scoffed at the extravagance. The elevator dinged and opened for Kai. "You should find me after work and we can get coffee. Good luck dealing with Mr. Hunter."

"Yeah that sounds fun I'll see you later." Corey said while waving to his old friend.

The doors closed and Corey straightened. He hadn't brought anything with him, per Mr. Hunter's request. The boy found himself awkwardly fiddling with his hands for the rest of the elevator ride, his nervous thoughts returning to him. He took a deep breath as the elevator doors opened and stepped onto the top floor. The office looked refurbished and modern but not unwelcoming. People milled around, doing certain tasks with focus and ease. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves, but that did little to brighten Corey's spirits. Corey asked the floor secretary for directions to Mr. Hunter's office and found himself taking several turns and walking towards an office at the end of the hall, admiring the soothing blue color of the walls and furnishings on them as he went.

He arrived at an oak, brown door that had a plaque with Mr. Hunter's name on it.

He is just a person Corey. Just a regular person that happens to be the most attractive man you have ever seen and wears a cologne that smells like rain and burning embers and makes you wanna-

Corey shook his head as he reached for the door handle, unable to turn off the rambling voice in his head that seemed even more infatuated with Mr. Hunter than he was. He wrenched the door open and found the subject of his thoughts lounging comfortably in his chair with his feet propped up on a preposterously large, glass desk.

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