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A/N: Warning, some things have been changed as to better suit the story. Also, mentions of nudity of a minor. Also, sadness overload if you are connected to the main character like I am. She goes through some self doubt through out this chapter. So, you have been warned.

Dean was outside working on the Impala, Sam was playing with Mary and I was nearing the end of a four hour hugging contest with the hotel toilet. My face was hot, my whole torso felt like I was on the losing end of a demon fight, and I felt like I had just thrown up and hacked up every organ in my body.

"Sammy!" I cried out.

Another wave of gags, coughing and that annoying burnt penny mixed with chlorine smell coming through. I groaned and rested my head on the cool porcelain I had become best friends with the last few hours. I heard rushed footsteps coming closer to the bathroom. The door swung open and I looked to see Sam holding Mary.

"What the hell, Sammy?! She doesn't need to see me like this!"

"Well, I wasn't going to leave her alone. There's nothing for her to do in this hotel room. You left her bag and stuff in your room."

"I don't care! I look, sound and smell like death."

"Millie, I've been to Hell. You smell nothing like death. What's wrong anyways."

It was then I took note of the looks on both their faces. Sam was concerned and his nose was slightly scrunched. Mary was in pure distaste and disgust. Her tiny nose scrunched to her eyes and her eyes screwed shut.

"I don't know. It's weird. A few minutes before this happened I changed Mary's night time diaper. Next thing I know I'm nauseous and rushing to the toilet, where I've been the last several hours."

"How long ago since you last threw up?"

"About two hours ago. But the nausea isn't leaving so I've stayed right here. It's clearing up now. I think I'm going to shower. See if Dean found us any resemblance of a case. Yeah? I'm tired of all the radio silence for jobs."

"Sure. You do what you got to. I'll go check with Dean."

With that he left. I stood up and shut the door again, this time locking it. I stood in the mirror, and took off my shirt. I had a mom body, so I wasn't really as concerned with the possibility of creeps in the walls seeing my upper half of my body. The mark representing Crowley had healed nicely, only slight scarring around the edges of where the skin had started dying. I lightly traced the area with my finger, still in shock that it was only a little over a month since that night we fixed the dying bond.

I shook my head to shake the thoughts away so I could get a quick shower. I quickly did what I do for every shower I take in a hotel and hopped in the shower. I quickly showered, scrubbing the vomit smell off my body and not even caring about my hair. I noticed my stomach was slightly swollen, but I brushed it off as the diner food diet we've had since our little vacation started. Once I was done I quickly got out and dried off. I put on the clothes I brought over to Sam and Dean's room for the day and tied my hair up in a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom and out to my room through the door adjoining them. I collected mine and Mary's stuff before heading out to the Impala.

"So, we got a case?" I asked.

"Possibly. You sure you're up for it?" Sam said.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I said, giving him a daring stare.

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