Chapter 1

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She sat trapped in a room, that was ten feet wide and ten feet long, there was nothing but white walls, a white celling and a white floor. She ran her hands through her hair, wondering what to do. There was no food and no water. So what was there to do? She closed her eyes taking it all in, wondering why she had to be the one to end up here, wondering why it could have been someone else. Then she remembered, it was snippet of a memory in the dark room, that was her brain but, she grasped it, held onto it. She was here because she wanted to save her brother, she wasn't sure what she wanted to save him from but, if it was something so bad that she was trapped in that room then she knew it must be bad. That, was all that came. She couldn't remember what her brother looked like, or how old he was, but she could remember that they where close, and that she cared about him. Suddenly her eyes flickered open, as if she felt someone else's presents in the room. She looked around ready to pounce if anyone had appeared, although she knew it was impossible because there was no way out which meant there was no way in. She stopped scanning the room as her eyes fell upon something that hadn't been there before, something she did't find of any use but, it was something. A pen and notepad laid directly in the middle of the room. Something inside her told her not to touch it, that it was dangerous, but curiosity won out and she crawled across the floor to were the notepad and pen sat. Shuffling on hands and knees, even though the room was tall enough to walk in. She picked up the notepad, and flipped through the pages leaving the pen to sit alone on the ground but, she was stunned that all the pages in the notepad where blank. She expected it to be a book that she could read, or a note telling her it was going to be okay. But it wasn't it was simply something for her to write in, simply something to let her ideas run wild. She picked up the pen, her hand shaking as she did so, and with that the pen began to write away, lies of the things she knew before coming to the room. And those lies would lead to things that could be used against her, and the ones she once loved.


Let's start from the beginning. The beginning had been nice, it had been normal. Nothing to worry about. The beginning had all started just a week before on a sunny Monday morning, as a boy walked down the hall. Groups of kids where crowded in the hall, they were crowded around something that looked like a sign up sheet. And most of the kids that had a big fear of doing anything In front of a big group of people, or even a small group of people were signing up. 'That's weird' he thought to himself as he pushed his way past the huge group of people that seemed to form a huge wall down the hallway. 'Why would all of them be signing up for some good for nothing talent show?' He shoved his bag in his locker and made his way back down the hall to the mass of frightened kids that had formed around the sign up sheet. They looked frightened now, the boy could see it in their eyes. They seemed to shiver as they walked away, handing the pen off to the next kid, then the next, then the next. The boy loved to preform more then anything, although he never admitted it to anyone before. He would have if he had anyone to tell but he didn't. He had no friends, and no parents either. He was long gone, and he had built walls to keep people out. By the time he realized he had already signed up and walked away the bell rang. He hadn't even looked at the top of the sheet to see what he was auditioning for but he did't care. As he made his way to home room he couldn't shake the feeling that today was going to be different.
As he walked through the large metal doors and into home room he was greeted by an unfamiliar face, a new student. "This is-" the teacher cut off as she saw the boy walk in. "Welcome back." She said giving him a stare of hatred, even though he had never done anything to her before. Most teachers here hated him yet he had never figured out why.
The teacher continued talking only seconds after her rude remark towards the boy. "This is Shaliee." The teacher said, her silver name tag shone off the high light on the ceiling, Miss. LarkWard it read. The boy looked at Shaliee she was beautiful, she really was. But the boy was not one to judge by looks, he knew even the most beautiful people could have the darkest hearts. Miss. LarkWard was about to say something else, possibly get Shaliee to introduce herself to the class, but the loud intercom buzz interrupted her from doing so. A low voice called out from the intercom, the voices spoke clearly. "Anyone who signed up this morning please meet at the front of the building, you will be leaving." 'Leaving?' The boy thought. What did the voice mean by that. He had signed up to audition, not to simply leave school. Unlike most, he cared about his education, but then again this was probably because he did not have the slightest bit of a social life. But he obeyed the voice on the intercom and heading to the front of the building, to see exactly what he had signed up for. He exited the door ignoring the shouts from his rather annoying teacher. He ran down the hallway until he was a couple paces away from the front exit. "Wait for me!" A female voice yelled, sounding tired and out of breath. The boy turned his head to see the new girl, Shailee standing by his side. "I signed up too." She said. Her words were spoken with confidence and she seemed nice, but you know how girls were about "first impressions." The boy couldn't help but smile and for the first time in forever, even that the girl had just talked to him he felt like he had a friend. He smiled back at her. "So..." He said trailing off. But luckily regaining his voice. "What exactly did we sign up for?" She laughed, making him feel rather embarrassed. Until what she said next. "No idea."
They walked out the door not sure of what laid ahead.the boys attention was turned to a huge bus on the road in front of them. "Our ride is here!" Shaliee called to him, grabbing his hand and dragging him behind her. The boys cheeks flushed with embarrassment, this couldn't have possibly meant anything but what if he was wrong. He shook the feeling from his head realizing the were entering the bus. Kids of all shapes and sizes were piled into it, some tall, some short. But strangely the boy did't recognize a single one of them even though he had been attending this school for three years. Shaliee picked a spot at the very back of the bus for them to sit. "So" she began trying to start a conversation "do you know anyone here?" The boy shook his head, no, embarrassed to talk to her. The bus began to move. To a unknown destination. It seemed to take hours to get to whoever they were going. The bus went up and down street, around bends, up hills, and over bumps. The bus led the boy to an unfamiliar place. The sky grew dark as the bus rolled on And the boy began to worry. "Were are we going?" He asked Shailee. He knew she couldn't possibly give him any better reason then he had but all he needed was some comfort to know that it was going to be ok. She swung her head towards him from the window it had been looking out for nearly the whole ride. Shailee opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by another unfamiliar voice. "We will be there soon." The voice said. The boy turned his head around, trying to find were the voice had some from. Finally his eyes rested on a brown haired girl poking her head out from the seat ahead of them. "I've never seen you two before" she said eyeing Shailee then the boy. "Well I'm new here." Shaliee spoke. The girl eyed them, her eyes taunted the two, seemed to laugh at them as if eyes could laugh. The girl extended her arm out to Shailee. "Nice to meet you." She said. "My name's Cassidy." Shaliee smiles. "Shailee" she replied. She mumbled something to the boy before returning to her seat. She seemed "nice" the boy thought sarcastically. Before he knew it he wouldn't have any friends again because of this girl. The boy knew it was good for Shaliee to be making new friends but he couldn't help to think he would be forgotten before he was even known. The sky grew dark a blanket of stars covered the sky and the bus rolled to a stop. "Were here!" Cassidy called from in front of them as if she was the bus driving telling them they had reached their destination. Kids stood some of them falling out of deep sleep from Cassidy's loud cries. Everyone looked out the window, and trees stood tall around them. They were in a forest. A forest! All hope that he could be walking into something good seemed to fade right In front of his eyes. "What now?" Another voice that seemed extremely close asked. He soon realized it was the blonde haired boy next to Cassidy. Cassidy stared at him as if the answer was quite obvious. "Uh...well we exit." She said sarcastically. "No we go eat pie, what do you think we do Oliver?" Oliver shoved her into the isle of the bus laughing. The two of them leaded the way out of the bus, Shailee stood and followed close behind them. The boy followed even if he did't want to. What choice did he have.? As they exit the bus driver called after them "just follow the path and you will reach your destination!" As soon as all the kids exited the bus the bus was gone. As if it had disappeared and fallen straight down, to the middle of the earth. Cassidy stared in wonder. "Well I guess we have to look for the path." She said looking around at the startled group of kids. Everyone turned their heads and try to look for a sign of some sort everyone began to separate from the clump, and off into their own separate groups to look for the sign that e bus driver had mentioned. Only minuets later did the blonde haired boy that Cassidy had called Oliver cried out, that he had found something. The group crowded around him, desperate to get a look at what he had found. It was a metal post sticking out of the ground with a wooden sign attached to it. What it said was hard to make out in the dark of night, but there was one thing for sure, and that was that it said something. "What's it say?" A voice from the back of the group asked. The question was meant for Oliver since he had been the one to find the sign. But Cassidy stepped forward squinting at the sign. "All it says is..." She paused for a second. She seemed to be making out the words on the sign. "This way." She read out. "Well...I guess we go this way." Oliver said pointing to a narrow dirt path that lead into the forest. Strangely enough no one had seen it until they had figured out what the sign had said. There was something weird about this place, and the boy knew it. But before he got the chance to speak he was interrupted by Cassidy's voice. "Second most obvious fact of the day." She said rolling her eyes at Oliver. Her words were full of sarcasm and hatred. But as much as she tried to act like she did't care the boy somehow saw that she did. Cassidy and Oliver stepped on to the path once again leading the way. The rest of the kids ducked under a shallow tree branch and followed. They seemed to be swallowed by darkness. And as Shaliee stepped under the branch and onto the path the boy could have sworn the darkness had ate her, swallowed her whole, But he followed close behind with the sound of wind in the air and howls in the night sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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