Chapter 6

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[RECAP] "We have finally made it to the training grounds, now, I believe it is time you show us your chakra. If you were lying about everything, be prepared to witness the death of your friends and yourself." 

[Hinata POV]

We were let out of that strange cellular and made it to a training field.  There, we saw a dark haired girl and a brown haired boy.  They were wearing these weird belts with tools on them.  I've never seen anything like that before!!

As the four of us were walking towards the grounds, the woman said, 

"We have finally made it to the training grounds, now, I believe it is time you show us your chakra. If you were lying about everything, be prepared to witness the death of your friends and yourself."

We have to show them our chakra, or they will kill us?  I don't think they realize what our chakra can do to them...

"Chakra can be manipulated in many different ways, there are thing such as ninjutsu, which is when you use hand signs to release chakra.  We will give you examples-" Sakura said in a friendly tone.  

"Enough blabbering, hurry up" The short dark haired man said.

I looked at Sakura, she was smiling.  If this were any normal situation, she would have destroyed this guy...

"Um... an example of my chakra, you can tell my eyes are different from normal ones.  I have a special ability from within my clan.  It is called the Byakugan.  I can see things from a 360° angle further than 10 Kilometers away [I couldn't find Hinata's visual range.  There were different sites saying different things so I just used 10 KM] I can also see chakra flow with my eyes.  That is why we are almost certain we are not in our dimension." 

I activated my Byakugan.  They saw my eyes and a blonde haired boy that was standing besides the commander gasped.  He looked at the commander, she had a smile on her face.  Did my field of visual benefit them?  Is so, that would be great for our return home!

"I can give you an example of ninjutsu, I'm not sure if you want me to leave a dent in the ground, so I'm not going to use any flashy jutsu." Naruto said as he was walked forward.

"KAGEBUNSHIN NO JUTSU" Naruto yelled as he made three clones of himself.

The people stared in awe as they saw three exact replicas of Naruto. I wonder how they would react if they saw his multi-shadow clones.

Before anyone had a chance to say anything, I never a sound of birds chirping.  A sound of a thousand birds...

[Naruto POV]

Kurama!  Should I was scared you were gone!  I couldn't sense you at all!

Naruto, you fool.  If I were gone, you would be dead.  There is something strange about this place.  You need to prove your innocent before it's too late.  There could be trouble back home. 

I haven't thought about that... what if something was happening back at home?!  All four of us shinobi are important pillars for the village.  I hope nothing is happening back home.

If I were to use rasengan, I'd most likely create a hole in the ground.  Something they probably -don't want.

I put my hands together and formed a hand sign. 

"KAGEBUNSHIN NO JUTSU" I made three clones of myself.

The people stared in awe as they looked at each clone back and forth.  

Suddenly I heard a sound I was familiar with... a sound of a thousand birds chirping.  I looked at Sasuke, he had a sphere of lightning in his hand.  

"This is a type of ninjutsu where you use a type of nature to change the chakra" He said in a serious tone.

Ah this guy.  Why is he always so moody and serious.

"Lighten up Sasuke!  These guys are not our enemy!  Ya'know?"

Sasuke gave me a glare, oops...

"You can also use chakra in many different ways" Sakura said as she walked to a nearby tree and ran up it with only her feet.

That brought back so many memories... when we were all genin.  

Sakura was a master of chakra control even back then.  Sasuke and I on the other hand had the worse time ever trying to claim up a tree.  It's silly to think we used to struggle with the easiest things.

"Woah!  How can you do that?" The blonde boy said.

Sakura came back down and said, "It's just a basic type of chakra control" she winked.

[Hange POV] 

So now that we have seen their abilities, can we trust these godlike people?  They could turn their backs on us at any given seconds, but they do have what we need.  We could use their abilities to kill all of the titans and to finish building train tracks... what should I do?  

Erwin... what would you do in a situation like this?

"It seems as though you have godlike abilities, so let's stick with our plan.  You help us and we will help you.  The first thing we will need you to do is learn how to us ODM gear" Levi said.

"ODM gear?  What is that?" The Blondie asked.

Oh well... this will be interesting, teaching gods how to fight titans, I wonder how this will go.

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