One year ago !

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This was going to be a day to change them , their relationship & their marriage forever...and the worst part was that neither of them were willing to show they were afraid..

They had overcome so many things, what difficult days had then seen together but they stayed strong, they stayed together even when there were apart- they were always together...

But how were they going to over come this ??

It started like any ordinary day but the impossible was about to happen !

He had always been very protective of her, anyone who knew him, knew this ! He could not even allow a strong wind to harm her hair, how could he let her get involved in his dangerous business ? She was his flower, he wanted to keep her in a glass jar, safe , away from everyone.. he could lose everything but not her..

"Whats this world if its not you Sibel ? He always said !
He thought she knew it...

She had been wanting to do more than be a woman to wait at home for him, she wanted to be with him all the way, help him in this mission she thought they were both a part of. She felt he did not trust her...

That night when they argued over it , she said "You sent my sister away Ramo, why is it always about you and never about me ??"

"Its always about you.. has it ever been any other way Sibel?" He looked tired.

"I know its because you don't trust me.. do you still think i will mess things up ? Why can you not let me accept Mazhar's offer ? It will be good for both of us, i can hep from the inside"

"Why ? I am not a child & i don't need your help"

" you do, what is it that i haven't done for you , ha ? she was as stubborn as him...

" don't you dare throw that in my face... help ha? You talk about help.. didn't you marry that Taner ? Is that Your idea of help ?"

" you are hurting me now" her voice cracked..

"You hurt me then !" He controlled his tone.. or tried to.

"No , i won't apologise for that.. i never loved that man and i don't regret what i did" she wiped her tears

"And what did he do to you? With you ?" He yelled.

"I married him for you & if it meant i had to sleep with him just to help you, i will do it again if i need to"

He got so angry that he thought he would either kill her or him or both if he didn't' leave the room, he came forward, she stepped back "so you did do This ?? Did you sleep with him ?? HOW JUST HOW COULD YOU ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN ?? Is this what you mean?? .. All this time you lied to me?"

she didn't say anything... her eyes did. How just how could he say this ?! "I told him already he never touched me, did he think i would allow anyone to do that ? He cares about who touched my body, but he does not care about my soul, how he is hurting me with his words.. how can be anyone so cruel ?"

She didn't answer him.. she thought he knew her, she thought he trusted her.. why should she answer it ???

He picked up the keys and left the house while she was left behind once again..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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