ikon meets a cute barista

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Hanbin is a regular at a smaller café, hidden away from sight, but at the same time cosy and popular for the ones knowing about it. The employees know Hanbin since he's pretty chatty and they respect his privacy, not exposing him on social media and so.

You however are a new worker there and you happen to be the one taking his orders on an early morning. Hanbin being his usual self, starts small talking with you to get since he noticed you being an unfamiliar face.

That only makes you smile more genuine at the handsome male in front of you. After a while of thinking hard and skimming through your mind for his familiar face, you scrunch up your nose and pout, a habit you do unconsciously when you're annoyed at yourself.

The idol notices of course and asks you immediately if there's something wrong, wanting to know if you're upset with him. "No, I'm just disappointed at myself for not being able to remember such a handsome man, I swear I'd want to remember your pretty face."

Your blunt answer makes him stutter and flush bright red, not having expected that at all. Hanbin still accepts your number and saves it on his phone.


It's a warm spring day on a lazy Sunday and Jinhwan's schedule is completely blank, leaving him to do whatever he wants. He finds himself in a relaxing book café, loving how quiet it is with a handful of customers- all of them enjoying a book.

He's that as an opportunity to drop his mask, feeling confident not being recognised here, especially when so many have their nose buried in books. It takes him a while to decide on what to order and he has to crane his neck some due to his short stature.

Your sudden chough for attention makes him jump slightly and almost yelp. However, he can't bring himself to send you an annoyed expression, even though your handsome features are pulled up in a smug smirk.

"Are you able to see anything from down there?" Your comment makes Jinhwan's eyes twitch, but he ignores it- not wanting to create a scene. After ordering something way over the top with extra shit just because he can while ignoring other smooth comments from you, Jay finds a perfect spot, hidden away just in case.

You personally, come up to his table after a few minutes with his order and a playful apology playing at the tip of your tongue. With a few more flirtatious comments, you leave him flustered before you can see his reaction to the small note along with his coffee - your number.


Song is a known food lover and he has no problems with stepping into a new café to check it out. It's a little past 5 pm when he walks into your coffee shop.

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