b.a.p's boyfriend having tattoos

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As someone with tattoos himself, he doesn't really care, or rather – he isn't that surprised. Yongguk has a huge chest piece and his older sister is a tattoo artist, so he isn't unfamiliar with ink and imagery on skin.

Of course, he is interested in your tattoos and would 100% support you whenever you're considering getting a new one. Whenever you bring the topic up in a conversation, you can bet that Yongguk helps you brainstorm ideas and pulls up his phone to research various tattoo artists.

Yongguk will often find himself immersed in the pictures scattered all over your (s/c) skin and catch himself tracing the various colours on your exposed body whenever he wakes up before you. Tattoos for him is just another art form, and he loves the way they make your skin more vibrant.


Having no tattoos at all, Himchan is a little shocked when he sees yours for the first time. However, that doesn't mean he's negative towards them. After the initial shock, Himchan's curiosity gets the better of him and he can't stop asking you questions.

He secretly loves how badass they make you look and add to your overall 'bad boy' image, but he will constantly tease you for taking his bad boy role. Himchan also secretly loves the way other people look at you in public because you're his gorgeous boyfriend! Though he will never admit it due to his pride.

Since he has no tattoos, he knows very little about the process around getting one and that is the topic he will ask the most about. If you want to get a new one, Himchan would definitely ask you if he could come along, and if you got one for him, he will definitely cry. 


He has some of his own and seeing yours would make him considering getting new ones. However, he cares the most about the messages they portray and the meaning behind them. Daehyun's tattoos mean a lot to him and he loves to hear you talk about the stories behind your own.

Daehyun is the most likely out of B.A.P to get matching tattoos with you. Not your names necessarily, but maybe something dear to the both of you and your relationship. Your boyfriend is a sap after all.

A thing he likes to do is kissing them. Whenever you wear something that shows off the ink you got or wear nothing at all, there isn't a single moment where his lips have been all over your skin.


Another member who doesn't have any tattoos and probably won't get anyone either. Youngjae is also the member who's the most shocked by your tattoos, but that quickly passes as you explain each of them to him and changes into understanding.

He grows rather fond of your tattoos and how they look on you. Youngjae has his favourites and he is not afraid to rank them and point out the ones he likes the least. Since he knows you are confident in them and in your own decisions, he knows that his own opinions won't overrule your own. The 'critiques' often tend to make you laugh instead.

Even if he doesn't want tattoos of his own and means they won't fit his image and personality, he is quick to realise how good they look on you. That results in him becoming your own personal stylist some days, Youngjae is rather persuasive too because he won't leave the flat if you're not wearing what he wants you to wear.


Jongup doesn't have any either and he doesn't really have any strong opinions regarding the topic. In fact, he doesn't really register that you have tattoos until one of his fellow band members asks him about it or points it out.

He feels quite awkward for not noticing it earlier and it just makes him shyer to ask you about it. Because of his awkwardness and seemingly 'disinterest' in the topic, you ask him if they make him uncomfortable. Feeling guilty, he explains the situation really embarrassed to which you reassure him with long and loving kisses that he can ask whenever and whatever.

After getting attentive to your beautiful work, he feels a bit flustered whenever they are visible, not only for not noticing them before but also because he sees how handsome you look with them. Jongup is the least subtle being you know about, so it's easy to spot whenever he has looked at them too long due to his red ears.


Having looked up to Yongguk for years, it's no surprise that Junhong has tattoos. He would be the most excited of the members when he finds out that his boyfriend has tattoos as well. There is no chance you will be able to explain them all without a lot of interruptions from him.

Junhong is the boyfriend who loves to take cool pictures, so a good chunk of the pictures on his camera roll would be the both of you wearing clothes to show your tattoos off and your bodies pressed and tangled together so the tattoos are included in the shot.

Seeing your skinned filled with them makes him smile and he will trace them whenever he has the chance, however, most of the times that result in a tickle fight. Junhong has no idea why, but he feels extremely confident with you and by seeing you express yourself in the art covering your skin.

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