Chapter Two

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It’s almost been a month since Colton has decided to grace our small town of Arlington with his god-like presence. At least that’s what most girls have been thinking. But personally, I think Colton is an egotistical jerk who thinks too highly of himself. Since he’s moved to town, he’s started five fights, been sent to the office four times, and he’s bedded four girls- all of whom were completely heartbroken that they didn’t permanently catch his “sparkling” blue eye.

“God, Bella,” I groan while lying across Isabella’s king sized bed. “He’s just so infuriating! All he does is hump and dump and these girls actually get their hopes up when it comes to dating him only for him to ditch them after."

Isabella laughs quietly and continues to flip through her Cosmopolitan Magazine. “Sounds to me like someone’s a little jealous,” she teases with a raised eyebrow.

“Please, Isabella, I have standards,” I scoff with a roll of my eyes at the absurd thought.

“Keep telling yourself that, Lace,” she sang. “I give it a few months before you both realize you’re crazy about each other.”

I scoff and choose to ignore her statement by rolling off her bed onto my feet. I walk across Isabella’s baby blue fluffy carpet to her huge walk-in closet. I begin looking through her clothes and ask, “Did you hear about Amanda’s party on Saturday night?”

“Yeah, aren’t her parent’s going on like a second honeymoon or something?” she asks.

“Something like that,” I mutter when my eyes fall upon a white lace crop top and a black skater skirt. “Hey, Bella?”

“Yes, you can borrow it for Amanda’s party,” Isabella says with a smile.

“You’re honestly the best friend that a girl could ever have,” I exclaim while tackling Isabella in a giant hug that sends her Cosmopolitan flying to the floor.

“Just don’t spill anything on it or I’ll kill you,” she threatens.

The next morning, I wake up to my phone vibrating on my nightstand.

Maybe, if I don’t answer the phone, they’ll just leave a voicemail and let me sleep.

With that thought, I push a pillow over my head and roll back over. However, my genius plan failed because my phone was vibrating again two minutes later.

I groan and blindly reach for my phone. “What?” I snap.

“Well good afternoon to you too, Miss Sunshine,” Isabella chuckles.

I look at my phone and curse when I see the time. “Shit, Bella, it’s already three o’clock!” I exclaim. “We’re leaving for Amanda’s party at 7.”

“Yeah, stupid, I know that’s why I called you because I knew you’d sleep through your alarm again,” she states and I can imagine that she’s rolling her eyes at me.

When I don’t reply, she then demands me to get my stuff and get to her house in an hour or she wouldn’t let me borrow the outfit that I picked out at her house yesterday night.

After taking a fifteen minute shower, my legs are smooth and shaved and I feel like I can conquer the world. (Honestly, if you were a girl you would understand.) Then, I brush my teeth and throw my straight, long, brown hair into a messy bun. Then, I put on grey sweatpants and a tight blue v-neck. Now where did I leave my bag?

In the pursuit of my black Nike duffle-bag, I tear my closet apart before finding it under my bed. I begin to fill it with all of the post-party sleepover essentials: a toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, shorts, a baggy t-shirt, and deodorant. Satisfied with what I’d chosen to pack, I walk down the hall to my mom’s room and knock on her door.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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