꧁ohhhhh shhiitty5꧂

116 3 2

I wake up cuddled to mattia as i see Derek come out the bathroom
D:hey mamas
He come over and pecks your lips as mattia lifts his head looking at you leaning in
*U peck him*
Ma: morning
I get up as i get into the shower and u wear some jeans and a shirt (casual)
I walk down to make food as i hear a knock at the door
I walk over and i see a preggo lady
Y:hey yes how may I help u
??:where's derek
Y:umm why? May I ask
??:can u not see *points at the belly*
I see him jog with a smile and as soon as he sees the door it fades
D:wsp mamas
Puts his arm around me as he pecks me
Y:umm she came by
D:hey*shakes hand*
??:so money
??:this is your baby
D:gurl I dont even know who are u??!!!
??:it's lkadvdjkshs(idfk)
D:well miSS lkadvdjkshs IDK WHO U ARE
Then mattia come down
Ma:hey bae
Ma:so wsp
Y:,ummmmmmmmm sirr
Ma:oh I forgot this is Zoe my baby mama
Ma:I'm sorry
Y:nah it's fine
??:anyways come on I need money me And Connor Gina go anñout and by things
M:ight here*hands a 100*
She leaves and i turn around
Ma:i'm sorry
Y;nah nah why would u let me think us would work
Y:yk i have to go alright I luv y'all
I walk out to the car as i drive away


I drive home as i see a police car
I walk out as i see mattia get arrested
Y:woah woah what happened??
Y:i-i what??
Ma:i-i killed Derek
Ma:i'm sorry
I then see them pull away as i run insy and i see Derek in a puddle of blood in the bathroom .


As i'm their crying i see mattia walk in
Y:why would u do that!!
Y:i loved him

*Starts crying*

Y:why are u laughing
D:babe it's ok
Y:wtf is wrong with y'all
Ma:it was a prank KKK
I look at them with disgust as i walk out and i go into the pool
And I start walking i  with no emotion and the blood goes in the water as i reach the bottom i sink

And then I float up

And i sit at the stairs as Derek comes with mattia and they sit on both sides if me
Ma:it was a prank babe
Y:it wasn't funny
D:come in it was
Y:no it wasn't ok it wasn't funny at all I thought I lost u
D:well I'm still here ain't i
Y:shut up I'm leaving
As i get up i get pulled in by Derek
D:your what
I then get up as Derek was still holding my hand as i walk inside and i get changed
As Matia gets a call


Mattia walks back in sad
Y:whats wrong bun
Ma:z-zoe got k-killed and i have to move
Ma:ik ik i have to pack and leave and Derek u have to come with me
Y:wait what!!! Why
Ma:he has to we gotta go
I didn't see them hurry up and get back and start dressing and I'm very confused as fuck
They leave as I'm still here like??!!!??!?!?!

I go over and I lay in the bed as I feel the urge ito throw up so I run to the bathroom I throw up and I look at myself and I start looking pale I drink some water and I drank a pill
As i lay back down


I get up as i still see now mattia or Derek
But why out if no where
I walk to the bathroom as i see mattia left his cologne here🌚
And i see Derek left his necklace and beanie and they both left hoodies and sweatpants🌚🌚🌚
I out in a shirt with Mattias seats(the sweatpants in the hoodies and the beanies that they left behind are rare or merchandise)
As I put on Matthias sweats it's in mattia polivio on the side with a rose as I put on some lipstick with some of mattias cologne
And i walk out as u grab my shoes and i grab the keys and I get into the car
And i drive to Wendy's🌚(if you don't like Wendy's then too bad so sad cuz you're eating here or either you die🌚)
U order a frosty with some french fries 🍟 and u ealk out as i get into the car and i drive home

I fell asleep🌚

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