Chapter 1

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-Authors note
Hope you guys love it... Little bit psychotic but who wouldn't mind that


NPC: Just kill me already! You psycho bitch!

Y/n: hey now don't be so rude. Remember your just a low-level player. Respect your seniors you son of a bitch!

Y/n stabbed the NPC's left leg toying with it. She kept moving the dagger in a circular motion enjoying his screams of horror.

NPC: You fucking cunt! Just kill me already! Agh...!

Y/n: hehe as you wish you useless piece of shit.

Y/n got up and pounded countless times on the NPC's head until it turned into red squash. *squirt* ^squirt^

Y/n: the fuck man?! You got your fucking blood on my expensive coat. Do you know how much that cost?

Looking down Y/n grabbed what seems to be a red crystal that was hidden in the NPC's squashed head. "Damn that's one chunky ass crystal. You mustn't have killed a lot of NPC's huh?" Y/n mumbled.

Turning around Y/n walked into the wilderness filled with high-level monsters. "Ugh, I can't believe that son of a bitch got blood on me. Well, at least that was a high-paying quest" Y/n said.

{ -after some running brought to you by Y/n felling over a rock -}

NPC: Woo over here Y/n

The NPC waved his hand viciously at Y/n. The spot where the NPC was standing is covered in what seems to be tree roots. "Yeah yeah, I see you. Don you don't need to do that you crazy maniac" Y/n said rolling her eyes.

Don: hey! I'm not the crazy manic here. You are!

Y/n: *chuckles* yeah yeah I'm the crazy one. But did you bring my ride, Don?

Don: but of course! You're beautiful arrogant white steed. A handsome one too!

Y/n: of course he is. It's my horse, Don. Took me a while too you won't believe how long it took to tame this bad boy

Y/n said mounting on her horse. Feeding her horse some carrots she stroked Sio's Crest. "Who's a good boy? Yes, you are! Sio." Y/n giggled petting Sio.

Don: Ahem! Ahem

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Don: Ahem! Ahem. Did you forget that I was here Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah.. sorry I couldn't restrain myself.

Both laughing they trotted away with their steeds.

Don: omg really he really said you were a cunt?? Mph! Ahagagahha!!! Omg! But seriously though. HAHAHA

Y/n: shut the fuck up Don before you become my pet's food

Don put his hand over his mouth holding his giggles.

{~ time skip brought to you by Don and Y/n entering a pub ~}

Don: I'll have a beer and Y/n will have a be-

Y/n: a Jügar miss

Server: come and right up... Hottie."

The female server whispering the last part in Y/n's right ear. Snickering the server stride her way to the bar showing off her hips swinging them from side to side.

Don: girlie I can't believe you're finally losing your virginity tonight. *fake crying*

Y/n: Haha very funny Don but I'm not fucking a character in a game man. That's just weird and I'm keeping that for my waifus

Don: waifus who aren't real Y/n. Get your head in the game.

Y/n: *sticking out a tongue* I don't care I still love them

Y/n checking her menu bar. "Hey I gotta go, Don I have morning class," Y/n said waving Don a goodbye.

"Shut down," Y/n said taking off the Vr headset. "Ugh how long have I been in the game," Y/n said rubbing her neck.

" Y/n do you wish to be reincarnated? " a high-pitched voice said. " huh? What the fuck was that? " Y/n said looking around her big bedroom. "Up here Y/n," the high-pitched voice said.

She looked up to only see a black void talking to her?!

Y/n: okay I think I might actually be crazy. I guess Don was right.

Voice: No Y/n your not crazy. And I'm real if your wondering.

Y/n: okay then... But who are you?

Voice: I'm Ÿhær the God of dimensions Y/n

Y/n: okay but what does that have to do with me?

Ÿhær: nothing much but I just took quite a liking to you

Y/n: okay...? What do you want then Ÿhær?

Ÿhær: I have a proposal Y/n I give you a choice. Be stuck in this world or go into your desire dimension.

Y/n: Wait. Really?! Can I go to high school DxD?

Ÿhær: your wish is my command but I do have conditions. You will be reborn as your game identity in that world. And you have to marry at least one or more people.

Y/n: sounds fucking perfect. I would be a great partner

*Ÿhær snapping his fingers*

Everything turned black to Y/n.

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