The start of something new

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Later that evening after driving round for several more hours talking and laughing. Dream returned George to his apartment, offering to walk him to the door George looked at him and giggled  saying he would be fine. Dream was not certain so he sat outside as George walked to the door. After turning round signalling their last wave, Dream smiled and drove off.

George closed the door and instantly melted into a puddle on the floor. Tonight had been perfect, they'd talked about everything and George felt the most free he'd felt in years.

Clay was such a gentleman, it wasn't just his looks that drew all the girls in George was now beginning to realise. Everything about him was perfect. George finally picked himself up from floor and walked over to his bed, falling backwards and letting his crisp bed sheets absorb him.

He was gazing at the ceiling thinking about everything that they had said, all the laughs they shared when his phone pinged and he looked over to see it was from Clay. "I really enjoyed tonight, we should do it again:)"

Seeing those words on his screen melted him once again. Knowing that Clay felt the same way about their night made George literally jump with joy. Suddenly George had the feeling he would be enjoying work a lot more now that Clay was there. Just thinking about the taller boy made George blush like a radish. He wondered what he was doing now.

About 10 minutes across town Clay was getting ready to get in the shower. He undressed and climbed in causing the bathroom to steam up. As the steaming water powered onto his fluffy hair now turning from blonde to black, he thought of the night he'd had with George. He thought about Ria and how he could let her down easily. He had begun to think it would  be much easier to just get it over and done with so then maybe him and George could have something together, something different , something good.

Clay was a raging bisexual but no one knew. Not even his best friend Alex also known as quackity. This didn't sit right with Clay and he told the mexian boy everything but he was so scared on what his opinion on the matter would be, so instead he kept quiet.

Clay hopped out of the shower steam rising from him as he wrapped a fresh towel around his waist just exposing his tanned v-line. He ran his fingers through his soaking hair and looked up into the mirror. He decided to take a picture for George.

George heard his phone ping again expecting it to be Karl or sapnap asking about how it went but to his surprise it was from Clay. He opened the image and let out a gasp slapping his mouth as he through his phone on the bed.

He calmed himself and picked the phone back up reading the message underneath. "Thought you'd like this;) sleep tight Georgie" Clay knew what he was doing by sending this text. George stared at the photo in awe scanning every piece of the image.

"Oh fuck" George groaned in a low voice. Running his fingers through his hair.

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