*downtown* (fem reader x male crush)

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Warnings: swearing//talk Abt ed and bodyshaming

Y/N: your name

c/n: crushes name

bsf/n : best friends name

cf/n: crushes friends name

e/n: enemies name


The bell was about to ring and when it did I would race to my locker. Why? because bsf/n told me that c/n wanted to talk to me at dismissal. He knew, I knew he knew, but I didn't know if he knew that i knew he knew. Ya know? 

*ring ring ring*

"Bye mr/ms t/n!" I say and raced down the hall. "God damnit." I whisper, struggling to open my locker. "Hey do you want some help?" I turn to see c/n shuffling towards me, grabbing the lock out of my hands. "Yeah sure." I watch as he very carefully opened it, as if he where trying to move slowly on purpose. "Thanks agai-" , "I need to talk to you." He says, looking down at me. "Uh, yeah sure do u want to talk now..?" He grabs my arm and drags me to an empty classroom. "Bsf/n told me you liked me, is that true?" I can feel my face heat up from his question. "uh-h i-i um.. yes." I say with a stern look, I knew he wouldn't like me back so i prepared my self for the tears. "Oh .. um well I think your an amazing person but, I'm dating e/n." here it comes .... the water works.

"Ohh, good for you! well I'm gonna go back to my locker so-" , "I still want to know if you and bsf/n would want to come to this cool restaurant downtown?" I just nod my head and quickly leave. 


Text message : (bsf/n)

(bsf/n): Hey I heard what happened are you okay?

y/n: yeah i'm fine, are we still going to the thing c/n invited us to downtown?

(bsf/n): first of all i know your not alright, i mean he's dating e/n, like ew....

(bsf/n): And sure i'll come over and we can get ready, we'll make ourselves look like total baddies, and cf/n is gonna be there so.... ;) 

y/n: omg HE SO OBVIOUSLY likes you, i can see the way he looks at you bsf/n

(bsf/n): whatever, we said that about c/n and look what happened... btw im 5 min away byeee

(~~~ 5 min ~~~) 

"Okay im thinking this for you and this for me." bsf/n said as she pulled stuff out of my closet, whats mine is hers.

bsf/n outfit:     

bsf/n outfit:     

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y/n outfit:

"Okay i think there outside so lets go!" bsf/n told me

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"Okay i think there outside so lets go!" bsf/n told me. We got in cf/n car and of course bsf/n got to sit in the front with cf/n, while i was cornered in the back next to the two lovebirds (ew). "So, y/n whats up with the shirt and pants combo, if your gonna try and steal my boyfriend at least do it with a little class." She giggled. I stayed silent and just stared out the window while we parked. (~~~) when we got out of the car I quickly stood with bsf/n trying to avoid that train wreck of a couple. "So ... That was interesting" bsf/n whispers while we walk to the restaurant. "I don't even want to talk about it cause it's only gonna make me more upset. Do you really think I dressed to cash (casual) for this?" I ask. "No don't-." , "Dude, don't worry about e/n she just says stuff that she knows will get to someone. Just act unbothered." Cf/n says walking up with us, while c/n and e/n where infront of us talking. "Hey, you!" bsf/n smirks at him. "Hey, just wanted to say you look great tonight." Cf/n says to bsf/n.


we sit down and right as I was about to take my seat next to bsf/n and c/n, e/n shoved me over and sat down. "Sorry this seat is taken." She smirks. I have to sit on the other side of c/n because it's a rounded booth and no other space left. "So, how was the soccer tournament cf/n?" Bsf/n asks. "Oh it was great , and wouldn't have won it without mr.bigshot over here scoring the winning goal." Cf/n says to c/n. We all laugh and keep talking while we wait to place our orders. when it came to my turn I just asked for a salad cause I wasn't that hungry and I didn't feel like taking up too much time here cause e/n. (~~~) we start eating and c/n turns and asks if I want some of his food because a salad wasn't enough. "Don't tell her that c/n, she'll never lose weight. Plus she doesn't need it, while she looks like .... That👀" e/n looks me up and down then gets dragged out of the table by bsf/n , "hey where just gonna take a quick bathroom break" she announces then leaves the table. " Hey don't listen to her, you look great!" c/n smiles. Only if it where that easy to think that. A few minutes later we see bsf/n and e/n walk back in, e/n looked a little well... JACKED UP. I should've warned her that bsf/n knows how to beat a b#tch. "Hey can we leave please." I hear e/n whisper. "Why?" c/n whispers back. " I feel like y/n is trying to take you from me." She pouts . "God you are such a self conceited person." I hear c/n shout he gets up from the table and excuses himself and e/n.


after a few.minutes of talking with bsf/n and cf/n we decided that we where gonna head back to the car. "Hey what's-" c/n starts, kind of teary eyed . I pull him aside and tell the rest to start the car. "Hey are you okay? You seem upset?" I just freeze as I feel his warm embrace surround my body, he starts crying into my shoulder. "Hey, hey .... What's wrong." , He fixes his posture and faces me, " I like you, like alot .... I feel my stomach do cartwheels when I'm around you and I don't-" I stop him by pulling him into a kiss. At first he hesitated but, then he started kissing back.

(~~~ a minute and a half later ~)

we stop when we hear whistles and ooh's from bsf/n and cf/n. We head into the car and drive back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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