Chapter one

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Atsumi looks like this:

Atsumi looks like this:

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** means thoughts        It was another day I woke up early to make my brother samu breakfast, so I changed in to my outfit for the day:

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** means thoughts
       It was another day I woke up early to make my brother samu breakfast, so I changed in to my outfit for the day:

** means thoughts        It was another day I woke up early to make my brother samu breakfast, so I changed in to my outfit for the day:

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Once I was finished I headed downstairs.I was done making breakfast I heard osamu coming down the stairs."Good morning  tsumi''Osamu said. ''Good morning''I said back.when he come in the the kitchen his face turned from happy to mad and I was confused ''What's wrong?'' I ask while tilting my head a little in confusion.then he said '' What are you wearing?''I looked at him "'um..cloths?''I said ''No why are you wearing a skirt what if you get raped and boys are going to keep hitting on you or wha-'' I went up to him and hugged him then said ''Don't worry nothing bad will happen I am the strongest girl you'll ever know, I love you thank you for worrying about me.'' I said ''I love you too'' then we let go.We finished eating and headed to school.
Once we there me and osamu parted ways he went with suna his girlfriend.Then I heard ''look there's that bitch'' a girl said pointing at me ''yeah I bet she's a slut haha'' another girl said then they started laughing I walked up to them and asked ''who are you talking about me?'' I said with an annoyed face the girl looked me up and down then one of them spoke. ''Sorry we don't talk to sluts'' then  I said ''well you're one to talk'' I said she looked mad it looked like she was about to hit me when my teammates arrived ''sorry but it looks like you are about to hurt our manager'' Akagi said '' SHE STARTED IT '' one of the girls said ''Well from what I saw you were the ones that started it'' said Aran ''UGH LET'S GO '' said one of the girls.Then they walk away ''Are you okay Atsumi'' said kita ''um..Yes kita-san'' I replied, in the corner of my eye I see omi - kun with his girlfriend I have a crush on omi so I was heartbroken when I found out, it looked like he was having a hard time, I was to deep in my thoughts I didn't notice Ginjima calling my name  he wave his hand in front of my face then I snap out of it ''um..'' I said ''Hey atsumi something wrong?'' Ginjima asked '''s..its nothing'' I replied ''I should probably get going bye, make sure to practice more!'' I said ''Hahaha we will manager '' akagi said.
    I head to the mall to clear my head I head to the food court '' hi..'' i said to get the man's attention ''oh..hey what can I get for you'' the man said blushing ''can I get five onigiri pls'' I said ''coming right up it on the house'' He said '''s alright I can pay'' I said slightly uncomfortable ''no I insist'' He said I knew that he was not going to give up so I just give in '' Okay fine thanks'' I said getting my food I walked away ''Atsumi?'' ''Atsumi san?'' I turn my head to the towards the noise ''Oh hey Akaashi and Bokuto!'' ''Hey hey hey Tsum - tsum!'' bokuto said "Hey atsumi - san'' Akaashi said ''ATSUMI HEY!!'' Kuroo said loudly "Hi'' I reply ''ATSUMI SAN!!'' I heard Hinata say ''Hi Hinata'' I said back then Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Daichi and kenma came and said hi so I said hi back ''Hi Atsumi'' suna said ''Hi suna!'' I said then a boy my age came and put one of his arms around my waist then said ''Hey baby I have to go now'' I was confused so I just said ''okay'' with a confused face once he left I looked back at the group they looked back with a confused look then one of them spoke ''I didn't know you have a boyfriend" then another one said ''Yeah why didn't you tell us'' then they all started asking questions not letting me say anything until a voice was heard ''Suna?'' it said everybody stopped talking ''Oh hey baby'' Suna said it was osamu ''What's going on?'' He asked ''Oh we were asking Tsum - tsum why she didn't tell us she had a boyfriend'' Bokuto said Osamu face turned to a angry one, then said ''WHAT TSUMI YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!!!'' everybody was kinda scared to see Osamu mad ''What n-no'' I said ''then who was that'' Akaashi asked tilting his head to the side a little ''I don't know he just came up to me and said (hey baby, I got to go now)'' '' I said shrugging my shoulders ''Fine I believe you'' Osamu said rolling his eyes before I could say something I heard Hinata say ''hey Sakusa san!'' Sakusa said ''germs everywhere!'' I stayed silent ''Oh what are you doing here Sakusa?'' Akaashi asked ''Went shopping with girlfriend and I ran away because she is to loud'' He responde ''You ran away from your girlfriend?!'' Oikawa said ''Yeah?'' Sakusa said with one raised eyebrow ''FROM YOUR GIRLFRIEND?'' Oikawa shouted ''Yeah?'' Sakusa said with the same face ''Dude bad boyfriend move'' Kuroo said ''Well she is annoying'' Sakusa said ''Well she is a brat'' Daichi replied ''GRRRRR!!! SAKUSA HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME WITH ALL THIS THINGS YOU NEED TO CARRY'' Sakusa's girlfriend said mad and coming our way ''It's your stuff you carry them'' Sakusa reply *Should I leave?* ''....yeah...'' I said out loud on accident ''Yeah what?'' Osamu asked " Oh sorry I'm going now'' I said as I walked away ''..''Bokuto stayed silent while watching me walk away '' Who is she?'' Sakusa's girlfriend asked ''She's a friend of ours'' Kuroo replied ''Sakusa you're friends with that bitch'' she said ''LISTEN HERE YOU BRAT DON'T CALL MY FRIEND A BITCH EVER AGAIN'' Sakusa shouted back ''Hah but I'm your girlfriend'' she said ''Not from what you just said we're breaking up'' Sakusa snapped ''I never loved you, all I wanted was your money so I don't care at all'' she said back ''Well that's good because I stopped loving you a long time ago I just didn't know when to tell you sluty golddigger'' Sakusa barked back '' Girl you didn't pay for that stuff yet'' Kenma said ''What?'' Sakusa's ex girlfriend said confused ''Yeah you just ran away without even paying'' Hinata said ''Grrrr!!'' Sakusa's ex girlfriend grawled ''What a slut'' Osamu said ''Where's atsumi?'' Suna Asked ''I am going to follow her'' Bokuto Said ''We'll come to Bokubro!'' Kuroo said ''Yeah we got to tell her the tea!!'' Bokuto replied ''Yesss bro, Lets go!'' Kuroo said '' Where could she have gone?'' Akaashi asked '' She's probably at the foodcourt'' Oikawa said '' Of course where else, Let's go'' Osamu said walking away everybody agreed and followed Osamu. SAKUSA POV.
We went to the food court, there we saw atsumi standing up then she started walking away ''Where is she going?'' Oikawa asked ''I don't know but she looks happy'' Akaashi said we were following her we ended up in the park we walked little and then we heard Atsumi yell out ''BABA!!!'' while running then she jumped into the arms of a blonde and red eyed boy then he said ''Hey baba Tsum - tsum I missed you so much'' He said while kissing her forehead and checks ''Awww I miss you too Bakugou'' Atsumi said then kissed his cheek I felt jealous  ''What the hell is going on?!'' I heard Osamu say '' Let her have fun with that Bakugou Dude, Let's go to your house and wait there until she comes home okay baby?'' Suna asked ''Fine, come on let's go'' Osamu said while walking away, we all followed behind.
ATSUMI POV. I ran up to Bakugou my best friend since I was a toddler nobody knew him because when we spent time together it was only the two of us "BABA!!!'' I yelled while running to him then I jumped into his arms and hugged him he hugged back then he said ''Hey baba Tsum - tsum I missed you so much'' he put his hand on my check then kissed my forehead and both cheek "Aww I missed you to Bakugou" I said kissing his cheek. Baba was the nickname we called each other that no one else can call us, his real name is Bakugou Katsuki. ''What do you want to do'' He asked ''Today is the day we can finally take Akro and Haruki so let go to the adoption center to pick them up and then go to the store for the things we will need, good thing we got a lot of money saved and more thanks to the jobs we have which we have thank god for'' I said ''Yeah thanks to god, okay so let's go pick up my nephews '' Bakugou said. This is how they look like:

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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