chapter 4

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That night they decide to let Noelle be for the time being but the next day they would try and help her

*the next day*

Vannesa was knocking on Noelle's door but Noelle didn't want to be bothered, Vannesa wouldn't give up

Vannesa:noelle please open up

Noelle:leave me alone

Vannesa used her magic to make a key made of string and she opens the door to see Noelle sitting on her bed with her blanket covering and tissues scatred all over the floor

Vannesa:Noelle your a mess

Noelle:please leave

Vannesa:I want to help you

Noelle:help me how

Vannesa:i want to help you get over asta and find someone better for you

Noelle:I don't want to get over asta and i there is no one better then him, there's a reason why a lot of girls chase after him, Asta's kind, strong, caring, cute, he's many things a girl wants mimosa got lucky

Vannesa:so you still love Asta?


Vannesa:even after he broke your heart and has been seeing your cousin behind your back?


Vannesa:but why? Don't get me wrong Asta's a great guy I'll give him that but-

Noelle:but I drove him away!!!


Noelle:all i ever did to him since we meet was hit him, and insult him for not having magic and being a commoner and yet he still always supported me, helped me get over my fear of my siblings, he was the first to believe in me, and over all just made me feel special and happy

Noelle started crying again

Noelle:and not once did I thank him instead I just assulted him

Vannesa saw Noelle's tears fall down and she pulled her in for a hug

Noelle:it's going to be fine Noelle

Noelle:no it's not, i don't want to be with anyone but asta and now he's with mimosa and I'll never get him back

Vannesa:Noelle why don't you go with me to the capital and get some fresh air

Noelle:I'd rather stay here

Vannesa:please Noelle I don't like seeing you like this

Noelle:I don't want to leave the base now that I wont be around Asta since he's with that bimbo, I hope she doesn't take his love for granted

Vannesa just looked at Noelle who was still crying and she couldn't help but tell her the truth

Vannesa:Noelle I have to tell you something very important


Vannesa:asta and your cousin aren't the only ones in the relationship

Noelle:what do you mean?

Vannesa:you see Asta was talking about to finral about what's his relationship and Finral found out they have a threeway relationship

Noelle:wh-WHAT?!? Who's the third?

Vannesa:Asta's brother....yuno

Noelle didn't know what to say and she didn't know what to feel

Noelle:please leave


Noelle:Please leave I want to be alone!!!

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