When i woke up i noticed i was in bed alone, once again. i turn over to my side and noticed tyler left his number. making me feel a little better, i put his number in my phone and throw a text to him, "hey Tyler, its Sam :)." I feel nervous as my thumb is reaching for the send button, but i press it anyways. i get out of bed and head for the shower. as i put my leg in the shower my phone goes off, i quickly take my leg out and run to my phone, only realizing it was my sister Mabel. "hey Sam, hows it going in London?, im thinking of taking a drive down there today, would that be fine with you?' my heart sinks a little as i go to tylers message only noticing it is still on delivered." ya sure, i could use some company". as i make my way to the shower i stand under the fosset and try to think of happy things, all at once all my bad memories are flowing through my head, i quickly wash my hair and body. hop out of the shower and get a fresh pair of shorts and go to the kitchen, there was a note on the table and i instantly have a smile on my face and know who it was from. "Dear Sam, i had a great time last night, maybe do it again some time? Tyler ;)" my mood instantly changes as i prepare a bowl of cereal and head to the table to eat, i find myself reading the note over and over again. i forgot i left my phone in my room, i jump up and run to my room seeing a message from Tyler. "Good morning Sam, how are you this fine morning?". I instantly start typing "Good morning, im doing alright" im not going to question him why he left last night. i thought as i dont want him to feel sorry, or ruin anything between us, if there is. "whats not to like of anything this fine morning ;)". as i send the message it instantly goes to "read" was he waiting for my reply the whole time? i think when he starts typing. "I know right?, the sun is shining and the birds are cherping. haha" "i feel my face go red when i reply with "would you like to hang out again sometime, i know it sounds weird and all but, i feel like we have something," my heart starts to go fast as i press send. the message goes to read for a few seconds that feel like minutes, "I have been thinking of how i was going to tell you this, and im so glad you brought it up, i really like you, and i deffinetly want to get to know you better ;)" i stare at that message for a good 30 seconds and keep reading it over. did he just say he liked me? my hearts goes from fast to pounding. im trying to think of something quick to tell him but nothing comes to mind. its a minute that i havent replied, finally something comes to mind. "And i would deffinetly would like to get to know you better ;)" i send the message and drop my phone on my bed. could this day get any better? i say to myself as my phone goes off again. ";)" i put my phone down and decide to finish my bowl of cereal only noticing it got all soggy. i end up throwing it away, im to happy to even eat anyways i speak aloud. as the day went on, i hear a knocking at my door to Mabel on the other side. "Hey Sam" mabel walks in before i could get to the door. "hey that was a fast drive" i say "ya i missed your cute face" we both laugh as she comes in for a hug. 'do you want to go out for lunch" i say as she takes a seat at the table. "ya sure" she says as she reads the note. "oohh Sam, who is this from" as she reads it aloud and makes me get all red all over again. "that is from a sweet man i met last night" "aww thats sweet" she says as she puts the note down and asks me about him. I go blank, not knowing anything about him except his first name, not even knowing his last. "well his name is Tyler" i dont even remember the color of his eyes. i say to myself as i am trying to remember everything of last night. "thats all she says as she smiles at me. "well all i rememeber is he came here last night and we.. Mabel stops me before i carry on my sentence. "I don't need to know all that" she says while i teas her and make up stuff to annoy her. we both laugh. we decide to go for lunch at a famous restuarant. I always like to spoil my family and friends when i get the chance to. as we are ordering i turn to my left and see Tyler sitting all alone at a table. i get up and walk over to him, he stands up quick and gives me a hug. I invite him to sit at my table and he accepts the offer. we walk over to my table and sit down, mabel looking at me in confussion and I quickly introduce Tyler to Mabel. 'Tyler, meet Mabel my sister." "and Mabel meet Tyler'. Tyler reaches out a hand and Mabel shakes it. as we order our food and recieve it we begin to talk about our lives and what we want to do in the future. I begin talking about my song i have recently written and talking about how i want to record it. Mabel and Tyler looking at me all proud and are saying thats great. Tyler brings up how he knows a guy who works in a record label, and how he has been talking about wanting to record a new sound. I look at Mabel, then look over at Tyler, i have the biggest smile on my face and think "Yes this day has become better!" Tyler reaches for his phone and says "ya i could get ahold of him right now if you'd like?" i immedietly say yes and look back at Mabel, she looks at me with a huge smile on her face. as we begin to eat our lunch Tyler gets a phone call from the record label. 'hello sir' Tyler talks into the phone. i can hear some words the man is speaking but its foggy. as they say their last words, Tyler look up at me and says "you have a meeting next friday!!" my stomach drops in excitment. as we are leaving the restaurant Mabel sees one of the old friends and tags along with her, and me and Tyler go back to my place. when we get inside, i walk up to tyler and give him a kiss on the cheeck. He looks at me and says "no no, its like this' he turns my head so its align with his and kisses my lips. I feel my lips tingling as we look into each others eyes and i knew we have something great forming between us.