Happy birthday!

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"Are you serious...?"
Jodie whispered to herself with surprise as she looked out of her bedroom window to see one of her best friends, Ayami Muto, standing there with little smile on her face. Jodie opened her window groggily still not fully aware of what was going on.
"Jodieeeee!" Ayami said embarrassingly loud. Jodie giggled. She always got a kick out of Ayami's antics. But she was still wondering what the heck was going on.
"Ayamiiiiiiii!" Jodie replied to Ayami.
"Get up sillyhead! We're going on an adventure!" Ayami exclaimed almost too excitedly. Jodie checked her phone to see what time it was.
It was 3:17 in the morning.
Maybe it was the tiredness still lingering in her brain but without any hesitation she yelled "OKAY!" to her friend. Now she was being embarrassingly loud.
Jodie got ready speedily and met Ayami outside.
"Ayami you're crazy. What are-"
"I know. Let's go pick up Moa!"
Suddenly, Ayami grabbed Jodie by the hand and started running to Moa's house which luckily was only two blocks away. It was nice that they all lived near each other. "What are you planning, Muto?" Jodie said in between breaths while still running. Ayami laughed and ignored the question.
When they arrived Jodie was surprised to see Moa Kikuchi's face in the living room window as if she was already waiting for them to arrive. Moa got up and opened her front door inviting them both in with a group hug. "Let's go to the living room." Moa smiled.
Jodie walked into the living room and to her surprise she saw Starbucks sitting on the little table in the room.
"Whoa.... Sweet" escaped from Jodie's mouth. Ayami and Moa giggled and said almost in unison "Of course that's for you!"
Distracted by the Starbucks Jodie forgot to ask what was going on because she still had no clue. After she settled on the couch with Ayami's head on her shoulder and Starbucks in hand she then started to ask them "Hey you guys...haha... Umm can you like explain what's going-" Jodie abruptly stopped speaking when Moa's finger was at her lips. "Shhhh.... Spirited Away is on." Moa whispered. Moa turned on the TV and hit play and before Jodie knew it she watched the whole movie with her best friends and enjoyed every second of it.
"I love that movie so much you guys are the best" Jodie said lovingly hugging her friends. After the movie they just talked for awhile as all friends do. Soon Jodie forgot to ask what was going on because she was enjoying herself a lot.
When 6am hit Ayami exclaimed "Alright! Our day begins!"
"Yayyyy!" Moa jumped up happily.
Going with the flow, Jodie smiled at her friends and followed them out the door.
"Okay here's the plans you guys" Ayami took charge. "We're going to all of Jodie's favorite places and stores and then eat lunch at Jodie's favorite lunch place and hang out some more then we come back home. Okie dokie!?" Moa nodded with a huge smile dimple and all. "Whoa you guys! You're the best. But why? What's with all these sudden plans?" Jodie said excited yet confused.
"You're so silly, Jodie" Moa said and giggled. "Let's go"
In that moment, the day started full speed and the group of friends went into town. One favorite place after another, Jodie had never had this much fun in her life. Time flies when you're having fun! Before they all knew it, it was lunch time.
"I'm hungryyyyyy." Moa said rubbing her stomach. "Same" Ayami and Jodie said in unison.
Jodie was so excited to eat at her favorite lunch restaurant. She hadn't eaten there in forever and she didn't even have to pay because Ayami and Moa insisted on paying for her.
After a beautiful lunch. They went to the huge park near their neighborhood. It had a performance stage and everything. It was a pretty important park considering that's where they all met when Sakura Gakuin held a spring concert there. Jodie went as a fan of SG and she bumped into Ayami there and they left like best friends. It was kinda like it was meant to be. Learning soon after that her Ayami and Moa lived near each other it was kinda like a dream come true and now here they are today. Jodie always wondered how she never noticed the idols who lived in her neighborhood but it's whatever now she thought.
At the park they all reminisced. Ayami checked the time and she smiled at Moa. "To Jodie's house we go!" Ayami took each of them by the hand and they walked over to Jodie's house which took a bit of time.
When they turned the corner Jodie saw her house and all the lights were off. Jodie was thinking that this was the best day she's ever lived to experience. Jodie unlocked the door and let Moa and Ayami and when Ayami turned on the lights Jodie received the biggest surprise of the day.
"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Screamed all of Jodie's friends, family, and loved ones in a party setting.
It was a surprise party for Jodie.
"Oh my goodness. You guys!!" Getting all teary eyed and still shocked with surprise Ayami and Moa put their arms around Jodie and said "Ahh happy birthday. Surprise, Jodie. We love you so much"
Jodie walked over to her friends and family and thanked them all.
Ayami and Moa explained how they planned all of this just for Jodie because she deserves the best and nothing less.
With all the enjoyed commotion of the day it actually had slipped her mind that today was her birthday. Now everything made sense to Jodie.
With that the party started. The music turned up and everyone had a great time. They danced to some One Direction and sang some SG karaoke and it was the best night Jodie ever had. She loved her friends and family so much. She could never thank them enough.
That night was one for the book and everyone was tired at the end of the day. When everyone left Jodie, Moa and Ayami passed out on Jodie's couch with the biggest smiles. It was bliss.

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