• N I N E T E E N •

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"You should get some sleep." I watched Lauren yawn out loudly as we walked towards Dinah's home.

The sun just peeking over the mountains nearby and she scoffed as she waved me off, "Worry about me when you need to. This is not the time right now." She ignored my suggestion and I just shrugged in defeat.

"On you if you fall into a pit of dead people." I smirked as I walked up to the door of Dinah's house.

"Oh yay, what I always wanted." She glared at me which elicited a giggle from me.

I opened up the door slowly just to have the smell of something burning hit my nose and I quickly walked further into the house. I noticed a couple of the boys still sleeping and peeked into the kitchen to see Ally and Normani in a heated yet quiet argument. I cleared my throat as I felt Lauren come up behind me causing both of them to straighten up. Normani leaned against the counter while Ally crossed her arms in a motherly stance.

"Now where have you two been?" Ally suddenly questioned us both and I frowned lightly.

Normani then smirked as her eyes gazed right past my head and looked at Lauren which had me looking over my shoulder. She looked away while clearing her throat and shook her head, "Why does the house smell like it's burning down?" She retorted and walked further into the kitchen with her head cocked.

"Hm? Why don't you start with that-"

"Where the hell have you two been? Quit playin'." Normani looked at us with a bored gaze and I looked down at my backpack.

"We looked around the houses in the culdesac." I simply told her and slid my backpack against the table, "There's so much shit out there guys." I breathed out still in disbelief.

But they both straightened up with wide eyes and Ally reached over to abruptly slap my arm, "Without telling us?! What the hell?! It was late and no one knew where you two wondered off!"

"I just thought y'all were f-"

"Mani." Ally hissed and the silky skin girl laughed cutely.

"Ally tried to make toast." Normani switched the subject since we told them our half.

"Okay look there's no power and Austin had a lighter."

"It caught on fire like fucking paper." Normani giggled and Lauren's eyes widened before her eyebrows contorted into a frown.

"How the fuck does that happen? It's a lighter Ally! I-It's bread!"

"No one said it was a great idea, okay!" She exasperated as Normani laughed to herself while I just watched in amusement.

"But how?" Lauren whispered in confusion and I chuckled before looking around the room.

"Okay, okay, are you guys ready to search some more?" I sat on the bar stool at the island and Normani leaned in as she looked through my bag.

"Was there any infected?" Ally questioned as Normani took an apple from my bag and I shook my head in response.

"Absolutely not a single movement." Lauren pitched in and joined me in the next seat over.

"So, what's the game plan?" Normani asked as she bit into the apple she acquired from my bag.

"I wanna start from the next street over and head up to the gates, see if we find anything. Clear everything out and then work our way down from this street once we're done securing those areas." I tried explaining the best as I could and they followed along with each word.

"We need power." I stated and sighed deeply, "But before we power the generator we need to find a good burial spot for him. He deserves that, along with his kids. But before we find a spot we need to make sure everything is secure so we have that part sacred and nothing will ruin it." I let them know which they immediately understood since Dinah still hadn't left her room upstairs.

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