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WARNING- Sexual assault

It was supposed to be a great night. Me and my boyfriend of one year were finally going to... do it. I didn't want to for a long time, because well..... I didn't want my first to be with him. At this point I had no other choice, because I knew Bucky wouldn't ever want me. I went over to his house that was just a little ways away from campus. When it got down to it, I was lying underneath him on the couch. The second he went to take my shirt off I stopped him. 

"I- I can't." 

He let out a huff, "Come on y/n, why do you keep doing this? It's really not that big of deal." 

He once again brought his hand to my shirt, and I lightly grabbed it. 

"Come on Bryce stop. I'm really sorry, but I'm just not ready." 

He harshly pulled his hand down, and grabbed my shirt. When he went to pull it I was struggling underneath him. 


He didn't, instead he accidentally ripped my shirt when I jumped back. 

"Bryce what the hell?! I said I don't want to do anything!" 

I backed up, and into the wall. He followed and put his hands on either side of my face. He started kissing down my neck, and a cold shiver ran down my back. I was frozen, it felt like I couldn't move. He pulled my shirt off, and I just stood there.

"See? It's not so bad." He kissed my stomach and I sucked it in.

He continued kissing down to the top of my shorts and tears started falling down my face. Right before he could take them off I knees his face. He fell to the ground, and I took that as my chance to grab my phone, pull my shirt back on and run outside. Without a thought I called Steve but he didn't pick up. His place only a mile away, so I decided to make my way there. I was only wearing a ripped shirt, small shorts, and I didn't even have shoes on. I stepped on some glass, and my foot started bleeding. The fear in my chest took away the pain, and I was practically running now. When I finally got to his apartment I knocked on the door softly. 

"Coming!" The voice was too muffled for me to make out, but I assumed it was Steve. 

Instead Clint threw the door open. His mouth fell open when he saw my tear stricken face, and ripped shirt. He ushered me in, and locked the door behind me. 

"W-where's Stevie?"

He rubbed my back, but I flinched so he pulled his hand away. 

He brought me to the living room, "He's out with Nat, Sam, and Wanda I think. What happened?" 

I sat on the couch, and couldn't talk. He saw the blood on my foot, and sighed. 

"I'm gonna get something to clean that up with."

I didn't respond as he walked off. I just started crying into my hands, and that's when Bucky came downstairs and saw me. He ran over, and put a hand on my shoulder. I didn't flinch away from him touch like I did to Clint. 

"What happened?"

I shook my head, and choked out a sob. Clint came back into the room, but when he saw Bucky with his hand on my shoulder he just walked back out. He of course took into notice that I was letting Bucky touch me in any way. 

Bucky started rubbing my back, and he lightly pulled me so my head was on his chest. 

"Mini Rogers, you gotta tell me what going on." 

I shot my head off him, "Stop calling me that! I'm what, two years younger than you, one than Steve? I'm more than his little fucking sister! I thought that I was your fucking friend, but all you ever call me is mini Rogers, and that sucks man! Sam, Clint, even Stark who was my friend first, you all call me mini Rogers, and that's not my fucking name!!" 

I didn't mean to take my anger out on him, but I was. He could tell I didn't mean to, so he just pulled back onto his chest. 

"I'm sorry y/n, I'll stop- we'll all stop." 

I just kept crying, and eventually he noticed my foot. 

"Why don't we get you cleaned up." Without another second he picked me up bridal style. 

Normally I would've objected to this, but I didn't. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and snuggled closer to him. He always smelled really good. 

He brought me into his bathroom and gently placed me on the counter. He cleaned my foot off, and put a little patch of goz on him. 

"Do you not have a bandage?" 

He let out a little chuckle, "We do, but not ones big enough to cover the cut on your heel."

I nodded my head. He looked me over and gave me a sad smile. 

"I'm gonna get you something to change into.. do you want boxers?"

I nodded my head, "I- I wanna burn these clothes." 

He knew I wasn't joking at all so he nodded. He came back with a maroon hoodie, and boxers. He left me alone so I could change. I went straight from his bathroom to his room. He was sitting on his bed flipping through his phone. Without asking I layed down on his bed. He moved so he was sitting behind me and rubbing his back. 

"I told him I didn't want to again, and he got upset." 

His hand stopped moving. 

"He didn't touch me, he just kept pushing after I said no." 

More tears had started to fall as we sat in silence. I was glad he wasn't saying anything, because I just wanted to be warm right now. I cuddled under his sheets, and he went to leave. 

"S-stay please. You're really warm, and without you I'll be cold.... I don't want to be cold." The last words came out as a whisper. 

He nodded and got behind me. I could tell he was uncomfortable in his jeans and top because he kept moving. 

"Bucky, I know how you sleep. It's not the first time we've slept in the same bed, you can change." 

"No I don't want to make you-" 

I turned my head to look at him, "It'll be fine. Probably warmer." 

He let out a small laugh, and got out of bed to change. He got back in bed, and I could feel the heat radiating off him. I snuggled my back closer to him, and he was hesitant to let me lay on his metal arm. I lifted myself, and moved his hand on my own. I let out a sigh when he draped his flesh arm over my torso. 

"Thank you." 

He lightly kissed the top of my head and I fell asleep. My dreams were plagued with what he did to me. What would've happened if I didn't hit him. 

I woke up to being alone, and cold. 

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