I {1724}

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Alex was, well not bored really, but there had been more eventful nights in his life. More eventful at least than watching his boss conduct meeting after meeting with nothing to entertain himself but his rapier and the overheard conversations. He sighed as the 4th person that night entered the underground cavern just as Alex had hoped the farmer would have been the last.

This time, it was a tall bulky man, easily towering over Vinn who'd opted for leaning against the side of his heavy oak desk instead of sitting behind it somewhere during the third meeting.

"I'm looking for Morosine." the man said and now, Alex could see the yellow sheen into his eyes that was distinctive for grown Werewolves. At least not another human. His own kind was surprisingly boring if one spent enough time around cryptids.

"Yes?" Vinn only raised one of his dark blonde eyebrows, waiting on the lycanthrope to continue. When he didn't, his boss sighed in a tonation that promised Alex some action for the night. "What do you want?" he finally followed up, getting tired of waiting. Patience wasn't Vinns strong suit.

"To speak to him." Christ, how dense was that guy? Just in case, Alex readied himself to step in. Not that he'd be able to stop Vinn if it came down to it. (He wasn't that fast.) But what else were bodyguards there for? And the Wolf had already been highly disrespectful.

Still, his boss remained on his spot, arms crossed lazily over the thin white linen shirt. Vinn had to be in a forgiving mood tonight. Or maybe he just didn't want another conflict with the Wolves in his territory.
"How fortunate then that you already are." Vinn kept his voice level but he could still hear the annoyance seeping through.

"So please stop wasting both our time and get to the point. Mr-?" the others eyes narrowed a fraction as the Wolf took a step closer towards his boss.

"My name is Paolo of the Milano pack. People told me you would be the one to ask for information on the traitor I am tracking but now I see that you barely older than a child."

Well. That surely was the wrong thing to say.

In a blink of an eye, far too fast for Alexs eyes to track, his boss had left his spot and was now standing directly in front of Paolo. Their noses would be touching if Vinn wasn't a good two heads shorter than the Wolf.

"If you want to live-" the small vampire said, pressing one of his signature daggers up to the spot where he'd be able to pierce the Wolfs heart in a split second "-I suggest you adjust your manners accordingly. You have no power here."

Alarmed by his master's tone, Sobek had peeked out of the flooded part of the cavern. The crocodile glanced over to Alex with far too intelligent eyes before settling his gaze back on Vinn, waiting.

Paolo, eyes now wide partly in fear and anger, growled, teeth growing into the canines his kind was known for. Before the Wolf could properly answer however, Vinn increased the pressure of his blade, grinning. Pearl white fangs twinkled in the dim cavern light as his boss tilted his head.

"Hm yes, I have sharp teeth too. So now tell me if we can continue this conversation like adults or if I have to kill you first." For a moment it looked like Paolo wouldn't back down but then he nodded, slowly raising his hands.


Alex was almost disappointed at the missed opportunity for a little fight but he also knew his boss traded information and contacts and could therefore not simply kill all of his customers.

"So what do you want?" Vinn asked after stepping back, idly twirling his dagger, the dragonhead pommel glinting with every turn.

"Im tracking a traitor from my pack. One of the other betas, hes said to hide out in the slums." Hm that sounded promising. Maybe Alex would still get his action tonight.

"I heard about a lone wolf that just arrived recently. I can find him for you. In exchange for a favor he will be yours tomorrow night."

Paolo nodded slowly, relaxing his stance. "What kind of favor?"

At least this one was smart enough to ask. Even though it was a custom among Vampires to trade in favors between themselves, most other cryptids tried to avoid owing a Night Child.

"A comparable one to what I am doing for you of course." Vinn smiled sweetly while rounding his desk and pulling out a piece of paper. After penning down the agreement and neatly signing his name, the blonde pushed the paper over, motioning for the other to sign who did so with slight hesitation.

"Alright now that this is taken care of; tell me what you know about the person you seek and whether you prefer them dead or alive."

Since his boss was back in business mode, Alex relaxed and tried to commit as much information as he could to memory. There would be a hunt tonight and it was always better to be well prepared. Especially with cryptids.

Once the business discussion had come to an end, Vinn turned around and slipped into the heavy dark red coat Alex was already holding out for him with the barest of smiles.

"Alexandre, get your gear we are leaving."

Alex bowed, more for show than out of any obligation and left for the private rooms of his boss home.

The entire underground structure was larger than it seemed, spanning several blocks, occasionally divided by a canal and didnt only include the caverns Vinn resided in but also the above ground architecture that was mostly rented out to people associated with the business in one way or another. Besides the main office and entrance area, it also housed a training room, Vinns and his private quarters and several caverns used for storage and the like.

Alex passed his boss private office, smaller and far more cluttered than the spacious cavern he used to meet clients and business partners. Often, hed find Vinn sitting behind stacks of contracts and ledgers until the late morning hours to sort out some transaction or try and get behind political ploys that could possibly affect his business.

Leading a criminal empire sounded glamorous but really it was just a lot of paperwork.

His room was still a bit impersonal, even after two years of living there, and although he hadnt been to his boss private rooms (hed once been briefly allowed in the sitting room for an emergency) Alex imagined him having at least some keepsakes. He himself mostly had weapons, which he needed for work, and coal sketches up on his wall that hed drawn while waiting for Vinn during one of his many meetings. They showed mainly architecture or motion studies of Sobek but he did have a few portraits.

For tonight, Alex selected a whip and a set of daggers that fit right in the bandolier crossing his chest before attaching shackles and a muzzle to his belt. Together with his standard rapier that should do. They were going to hunt a lone wolf after all.

AN: Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed it so far! If so, please leave a like or a comment, I'm always happy to get feedback^^ ~Nico

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