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i was walking to school with my school uniform. it was a beautiful sunny morning. school was just about to begin. everyone was walking with each other and catching up. all of a sudden, i heard footsteps, and it by her voice, i could tell who it was, kyouko hori. 

"Y/N!!" she says in a cheery voice. "how was your summer?" "it was good! how about yours?" i replied. "yeah, same here. i can't believe this is our last year of high school!" "i know!" i said to her while i stick a strand of hair behind my ear. "oh, also i met this really hot guy over the summer." kyouko says with a smirk. "we became really close, and i think he said he goes to this school.. i don't remember though." 

after awhile, we chatted a bit before school started. then, we separated because we both had different classes. for hours it was just the same old things, and then we all surrounded the hallways. walking through different rooms.  i spotted kyouko sitting on a seat near another room.  i sat down next to her. i quickly got up. "oh, one second! i totally forgot my books!" 

i was running as fast as i can to get my books before the next class starts.  going through the halls, my eyes came upon someone. he looked tall from when i looked up. he walked away before i could get a glimpse at him, but something felt familiar when i was around him. 

i walked back over slowly. "it took you that long to get books?" kyouko laughed at you. "also, it turns out he was right! the guy i met does go to this school. i saw him pass by when you were gone, but i was too nervous to say anything. sometimes i just want him to-"  i quickly interrupt her. "i don't need to hear what you're thinking." i replied to her.

after school ended, i walked home. another successful day. i was thinking  i needed to study for the upcoming test. i watched the sunset as i got closer and closer to my home. i then heard footsteps behind me. 

"is there a kidnapper behind me? i don't even have anything to defend myself!" i was panicking. "what do i do?" i thought. "i mean, i have my backpack. ill just slap him with it! but, what if he has a gun? whatever, ill try it anyway."  as the footsteps grew closer, i finally had the courage to do it. i slapped the mysterious man's face with my backpack. as i looked to see who it was, my face turned red as a tomato.

"m-miyamura?" i said in shock.

"you didn't have to hit me.. my house is near here." he replied blankly. 

"i.. i'm sorry! i thought you were a kidnapper or something!" i blurted out, embarrassed.

he walked away without saying a word. all i could do is run back to my house. he didn't even recognize me. how did he even go to this school anyway? why didn't i see him before? he looked so.. different from how i last remembered. 


i know this is also like really short IM SO SORRY i promise the chapters will get longer in the future!

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