The Blood God

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The cold slush squelched under the hooves of the diamond clad horse. The horse was long since tired, yet he continued on for the sake of his master. The horse snorted, it's breath puffing in a small grey cloud. It was freezing. The sun had set and without the warm rays of her beautiful grace, the slush was beginning to freeze over. Carl's hooves were freezing, yet he continued on. For the sake of his master, he had to continue on. The bond they had was filled with anger, but also a confusing emotion Carl never felt. Fear. And that same fear was riddled into his own skull as he forced himself to continue on into the night. If his master was fearful then something terribly wrong must have happened.

Carl spots a small cave, turning himself so that he could walk towards it. His master does not protest. Both steed and master were tired. Carl knew that if Technoblade did not get rest, he would not be able to fight at his best. So they walk into the cave, Technoblade dismounting before he enters, finding no monsters. There was a remains of a campfire, but it had long since been abandoned. Technoblade used the remaining scraps of the campfire to make another one. With the fire now warming him and Carl, he begins to take off the armor that laid on the horse's back. Just like how Carl knew Technoblade needed rest, technoblade knew that Carl also needed rest in order to operate at full strength.

After he pulls the last of the armor off of the steed, he begins to pull off his own armor. They were close to the palace but far away enough that they should not be spotted by the guards. Technoblade heated a piece of steak on the fire, a few sticks holding the piece of meat up. He then turns to his potion supply. He counts, then recounts, and counts once more and supplies the information into a vault in his brain. For once, Technoblade was glad the Blood God had taken precaution to pack more than enough potions for the travel and fight. A small though crossed his mind amongst the several voices that invaded his privacy: Must be for Theseus. As quickly as the thought came, he dismissed it.

The Blood God loved no one. The ancient deity only lusted for blood to be spilled. It was a fact that the Blood God did not love his brother, but rather Technoblade lost himself to the lust of the blood of Dream and the traitorous goat, Tubbo. The Blood God only chuckled lightly in the ear of Technoblade. A pair of phantom hands laid themselves onto his shoulders. Normally, Technoblade would have reacted, but Technoblade knew that these hands were no one's. He repressed a cold shiver as the Blood God leaned over and whispered directly in his ear. The voice deafened all other voices in his head.

"Our Promise still stands, Technoblade," the disembodied voice whispered from the shadows of the room. But, Technoblade knew exactly where the voice originated. "Champion, give into the blood lust and Dawn will be painted with the red of our enemies blood. I promised his protection when you first came to me, didn't I?"

He remembered it like the infamous day was yesterday. He had always heard the Blood God's call. His family, the piglin faction of the Blade, had been devoted followers of the Nether God, the Blood God. Each child had been blessed with the Blood God's presence since birth. Technoblade remembers little to nothing about his faction or his original family, but the memory of their demise remains with him. He was a babe, only born a few months prior to the destruction that would lay waste to his people. The information that another Champion had been born was yet to reach the ears of the other factions. That would prove to be beneficial to him.

The factions of the Nether were split between species and even more so after that. The Blade Faction had been the spokesperson for the Piglin race for eons. Many of the other tribes believed that to be wrongful to their rights. The factions had conspired and allied with each other. They came to the conclusion that the only way to win the Champion title was to get rid of the bloodline. With no bloodline to fall onto, the Blood God must support another faction. Whoever spilled the most blood could win the favor of the God. Or so they thought.

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