Chapter Three: The Hour of Twilight

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Twelve-year-old Beth was the first to be discovered, just at the entrance of the forest. "Talo and Malo went chasing like crazy people after that monkey," She panted, shaking her head. "I can't keep up with those two..." She then proceeded to gather her breath and head on back to Ordon. With Beth down, only the young Malo and Talo remained.

Thankfully, Malo was up in the area next to the Ordon Spring. In front of the bridge before Faron Woods was where he stood. "They went that way," Malo whispered half-heartedly. "The rest is up to you, Link and ___..." He nodded, framing this scenario as if it were an epic quest rather than a rescue mission. And with that, he ran back to Ordon, using his stubby legs. Across the bridge and into Faron Woods, Telli and Epona both hopped over the wooden fence and past Faron Spring. However, we came up to the dark cave Link and I had gone in whenever we had done something wrong. It seemed to be a weird staple that all Ordonian children seemed to do. The gate was open currently, something that was not normal (at least not from what I remembered). Getting down from Epona and Telli, Link and I proceeded to the left to try and find some way through the dark. However, the familiar face of Coro caught my attention.

His house was still as broken (but somehow liveable) as ever. The oil-dealer sat on the wooden tree stump, waving us over. "Whoa! An Ordonian and the traveler! Hey!" He grinned, the pale red bird on his shoulder tweeting and shifting rapidly. "Listen, I'm not sure you should be wandering around the woods without a lantern. Just because it's daylight doesn't mean it's safe. There are a ton of caves and dank spots around here that get pretty dark even in the middle of the day," He reminded us as he dug next to him on his left. Coro then handed Link a free, beautifully designed lantern. "Here! Go on, guys. Take this!" I could only smile as Link nodded to thank the man. "See, I sell lantern oil here... I'm trying to drum up sales by giving away free lanterns! It's a business tactic!" The oil-dealer then looked at me specifically, raising a brow. "Would you like one, Miss?" With a polite decline, I shook my head, "No thank you, sir. I'm sure one lantern is enough." Coro nodded his head, raising a full bottle of lantern oil. "You keep using that lantern anytime you feel the need. And if it runs out of oil, you come and see me to get it refilled." He grinned, then set the bottle of oil down.

As we left Mr. Oil Guy, a small pit grew in the pit of my stomach as something felt strangely off. Even as Link proceeded to cut down a Dekubaba and lit the lantern. I just couldn't put my finger on it at the moment. As Link led me through the cave, I eventually shook the feeling away.

The thing that worried me more though? The discovery of Talo's makeshift wooden sword. 'Shit,' I thought to myself as I crouched down to pick up the toy. I could only hope that Talo was okay... Biting my lip, I put the stick on my waist, and soon, we exited the cave and came across its bog. Thankfully, no fog was there to get in our way. Link put the lantern up and we went down into the land. Hugging the southern growth of Faron Woods' downed trees, we came across a locked gate with two Bokoblins blocking the way. "I think he's behind that gate... Or at least that's what my gut tells me..." I muttered towards the silent Link. The Ordonian nodded and he quickly darted up to take out the monsters with his crappy, wooden sword. I hastily followed suit, retrieving a dagger from my boot. As we took out the purple fiends, a chunk of silver flew from one's belt and wedged itself under my dead Bokoblin's body. I snatched up the key in a tight grip, putting my dagger back into my boot after wiping it clean. Link did the same with his sword before putting it on his back, and I walked up to the lock.

Moments later, the lock upon the door dropped to the ground, and we passed through. Exiting the bog, Link and I laid our eyes on the two Bokoblins yet again. With a small sigh, I took my dagger from my boot, and we once again slashed at and eventually murdered the creatures of the night. As we watched them explode into bits quietly, my gaze shifted to yet another Bokoblin. To my surprise, however, there was a shop being run by a gorgeous purple bird. "Grrrarrr! Fweeeeeeeeeeet! Hey! Punish the evildoers!" He squawked obnoxiously. I, however, shook my head and rushed towards the Bokoblin. Link followed close behind, acting as my aid in battle.

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