|°Our Secret Spot°|

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Lil note: I drew the cover how do yall like it? ;)
Words: 1397
It was 10:45 am exactly.
Georges alarm went off startling him out of bed. He woke up numb and a bit frozen from the sudden alarm. He was in such a realistically fake dream, it felt so weird. He shook his head and turned off the alarm, stretching his body forcing it awake. Him and Dream had this little spot they would always meet up at, by where L'manburg was..It was deep into one of the forests. Dream had planted gorgeous blue flowers as a path way to the little area he had cleared out for them to chill at. It was Georges favorite place to be at. He loved the way Dream asked him to meet him. Dream would slip a little blue flower by Georges bedroom window the day he wanted to meet. They always met up at the same time, and if Dream wanted to meet at a different time or something along that line he would just add a little sticky note to the flower. Today, George received a flower. No sticky note so he knew when and where. He immediately got dressed seeing how he had things to do before the meet up. He dressed in his casual blue shirt and clout glasses and put on the sweater Dream had bought him.

This sweater is so tacky, He thought to himself laughing a bit. Im literally only wearing it because its cold no other reason..

George tied his shoes and swung on his handbag. He opened the front door leading outside to the prime path. He laughed and slammed the door going back inside, taking off his shoes, throwing his handbag and jumping into bed.

Theres no fucking way im going outside to do PRODUCTIVE things..Got some sleep to catch up on.. He laughed taking off the sweater and snuggling with it as he fell asleep.

Dream had spent all week trying to make a stupid promise ring to give to George when they met up, he wanted it to be special so he tried to hand make it. He tried melting iron, burned himself badly. Tried using wood, got splinters and cut himself using  a sharp axe. He eventually gave up and went to go chill in him and Georges secret place. He found a very durable and bendable vine covered in leafs.

Ill just make the ring out of this..Im sure he'll like it. Dream smiled confidently and immediately got to work. He was very impatient and almost gave up trying to tie the vine together, but he did it non the less. He placed it in his ender chest for safe keeping.

Soon the time came for them to meet up. George had forgotten to set his alarm so he immediately woke up numb and half asleep again. He was usually late, but he wanted to tell Dream something important so he got really anxious when he woke up to the sun setting, the exact time they were supposed to already be there. He didn't have time to brush his hair or eat but he did have time to grab his shoes, handbag and run. L'manburg was far away from where Georges house was so he got on his shoes, took his trident from his bag and went from lake to lake, soaring in the air and landing...not every MGL..He was soon there. Dream was sitting on one of the logs from a tree he had cleared.

"Wow, you look like a mess..A hot mess", Dream chuckled and stood up, ring in pocket.

"Oh hush, I woke up late.", George paused looking at his health bar. "Shit i'm at 2 hearts, do you have any food?"

"What you didn't bring any?"

"If I did i wouldn't be asking you, now would I?"

"What are you on your period?", Dream laughed and reached into his bag handing George a sandwich.

George immediately ate it and sighed in relief seeing his health and hunger go up. "Fuckk..."

"You look hot when your hair is all messy like that..", Dream sat back down on his log.

"Shut..the fuck up..", George sighed and sat down next to Dream resting his head on his shoulders. "What did you wanna meet for this time? To hang out orrr?....", George look up at him. Unamused. He is always wear that mask. The same one with the stupid smile on it. George held on to it trying to take it off. Dream immediately jumped back only for the mask to fall off into George hands. George only got a glimpse of Dreams face before he immediately covered his with his hands.

"HEY DUDE WTF.", Dream was a little shocked. George has done this before but usually only when their fighting.

"What...I never get to see anything other than the stupid mask and its starting to get annoying.." George threw the mask at Dreams stomach making Dreams hand come off a little but he immediately put them back.

Dream grabbed the mask and quickly put it back on. "Yeah and its gonna stay like that..Well..Thats what i wanted to meet you here for,", Dream got up and sat next to George. "You know I have a lot of things planned..and well I have a surprise for you."

"Surprise you say?", George was interested. Very interested. Dream got off the log and got on his knees in front of George. "What are ya trynna do..Suck my dick?", George said that so confidently that dream bounced back a little.

"NO WTF NO", Those words came out very nervously. Dream rolled his eyes and turned to go grab the ring from his pocket.

"Oh what a shame..", George and Dream both bursted out laughing.

"You're such an idiot, omg...", Dream sighed and held out the ring.

"Oh shit this is fucking beautiful...Why are you showing me?"

"Its for you dumb ass."

"OH, thank you..Clay"

"PFFFT- Since when did you start calling me clay?.."

"Hush up and tell me what this ring is for..", George put on the ring and admired it. Dream didn't answer. He cupped George's cheeks with one hand and took off his masked with the other. He gently kissed Georges forehead. George was a bit stunned..He starred into Dreams eyes..Even though he couldn't see green he still found them beautiful. George's ears turned red and he turned away. "What was that for?..."

"Well I would've kissed you on the lips but thats gay."

"Kissing the homies isn't gay?"

"Fuck you're right.", Dream immediately cupped Georges face again and kissed him passionately. George was a bit surprised but kissed back.

George pulled away to catch his breath. "Okay that was kinda gay..", George smiled and looked at the ring again.

"Oh come on now..", Dream rolled his eyes and put his mask back on. "You know if the plan goes well..Nothing bad will happen.."

"Yeah, but..I heard Tommy payed him more."

"I see..Thats going to be a major issue.."

"I don't know who's going to be online at the time and I don't even know if ill be online..", George started to worry. He didn't want anything to happen to his best friend.. "S-sapnap..He.."

Dream could hear the worried panic in Georges voice. "Hey hey, its okay..Nothing bad is going to happen to me..You know I always have a plan..", Dream wrapped both of his arms around George. Dreams hugs made the boy feel safe. George hugged back, tighter."

"Are you sure? Your not gonna leave me here, right?"

"Of course not, if my plan goes will Tommy will be in prison and everything will be okay again..If something does happen..You have that ring.", Dreams words comforted George, he said it in a tone that reassured him everything would be okay. Dream got up.
"W-Wait Dream.."


George ran up to dream, took off his mask and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you, Nerd..", Dream didn't know what to say. "I love you too...", But the boy was already out of sight. Dream sighed and placed a hand on his kissed cheek. That idiot.. He smiled and put his masked back on and went home.

The Promise Ring // DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now