Narrator- clear up so basically the boys, Zoe, Cody, Amber, Marcus, Steph, Prince, Jesse, Zephan, Markie, Ahlyssa, Andre, and others are going on tour
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Oli- four amazing shows
Prince- 17 others to go
Oli- yessir
Zoe- I'm so tired
Zephan/avani- there is 2 hours till we get to the next show
Josh- can we stop somewhere
Everyone- bruh
Seb- alright there is a Walmart in a mile
Josh- ok
They get to Walmart Then they get back on the road
Convo with chase and Zoe
Zoe- hey chase
Chase- sup
Amber walks up to them Amber- chase come here for a sec
Chase- alright
Amber- just trying to help you Zoe plays guys (No hate on anyone just a story)
Chase- oh thanks
Amber- no problem
Back to the convo
Zoe- how has Hawaii been
Chase- good how is Illinois
Zoe- good are you still dating Charli
Chase- she's not here does that answer your question
Zoe- I'm sorry
Chase- it's alright
Zoe- this ride is just...
Oli- we are here
Seb- so basically we had some people that wanted to stay together so we will name them first Bryce and Addison/ room 102 Steph and Marcus/ room 103 Then you guys can pick your own room but they wanted those rooms
Ahlyssa- Oli Oli- what's up Ahlyssa Ahlyssa- you wanna share a room Oli- me and seb...
Seb walked over- Amber wanted me to share a room with her
Seb- wait where is... Oli- Y/N Seb- call her
Oli called you Convo Oli- where are you You- on the bus Oli- but where You- behind you Oli- oh ok
Oli- so first things first the show starts at 7 tonight second thing their is an extra room so everyone who has a 3 roomer one of you guys can have a single room
Mychael- I want it Payton- I want it Josh- I want it