Fourteen - Bloodsuckers

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Carrie's eyes shot open. She quietly stood up and walked to her window. It was dark outside, which meant it was time. She reached under her bed and revealed a big black bag. She opened the bag and took a red shirt and yellow leggings out of the bag. Carrie took off her sleepwear and put those clothes on. Then grabbed white vans and slipped them on her feet. She grabbed her notebook and ripped an empty page out of it. She wrote "I'll be gone for a little while" on it. Carrie took the big bag on her shoulder and slipped out of the window that, luckily, was located on the ground level. She took a quick look at her house and left. 

It took only 5 minutes of walking before she had reached a bus stop. She sat on the bench and grabbed her notebook. She had made lots of notes over the weeks about all the information she had found on the supernatural. It wasn't easy, but an old library had a few old stories and news stories about them that she could find a bit of information. She turned to the page where she had written information about vampires. She read over the weaknesses again to prepare herself for what was coming. "Sunlight, vervain, and a wooden stake through the heart," she quietly read. There could be more weaknesses, but these were all the ones she could find.

A bus finally stopped in front of her. She closed her notebook and put it back in her bag. She stood up and walked onto the bus. "What are you doing here so late?" the tired bus driver asked her. It wasn't surprising that he did. In his eyes, all he saw was a young girl all alone in the middle of the night. "Home, I just came back from a sleep party," she cleverly lied. The bus driver nodded and let her enter. She sat all the way in the back and grabbed her notebook again. She looked at the first page where her destination was written with big letters and a big circle around it. New Orleans.

It was far, but she was going to get there. She had stolen money from her parents, enough to get her there. This city wasn't chosen at random either. She had read stories about it being infested with vampires. The newspaper also had a suspicious amount of animal attacks. She had been doubtfully at the beginning about this city, after all, its whole tourism was about witches and vampires. She knew she was going to find a vampire there after reading an absurd amount about the city. Maybe, Carrie would have found a vampire closer to home, but she wouldn't know where to look.

After three days of going on multiple busses, she had arrived in New Orleans. She immediately noticed the bright lights and people dancing on the street, which made her feel overwhelmed. She breathed in and out and grabbed a piece of paper out of her bag. There she had written which hotel she had to go to. She had called the person that worked there and asked if they would let a sixteen-year-olds stay. They were the only one of a bunch of hotels Carrie had called to say yes.

After walking around a bit, Carrie had found the Hotel. It was small and looked rundown. She walked into the lobby that weirdly smelled like salmon. "Hello?" she asked at the reception where she saw no one. An old man with a red suit appeared from behind a wall and walked up to the reception desk. "Hello, how can I help you?" He looked her up and down, obviously judging her age. "I booked a room here," she said. "You did, huh? Let me check," he said and opened up a book. "What is your name?" 

"Ellie Jameson," she lied, using the same name she had used a few days ago when booking the room. He turned three pages and said, "Ah there you are. This all checks out, let me take you to your room." He took her big black bag and carried it up to room number 13. "Thank you," she said, and he promptly left. The room was very small and musty. On the bed, she saw a lot of strange unknown stains. "I suppose this is what you get for $10 a night," she whispered to herself.

Luckily, she wouldn't stay there long. She had vampires to catch. Carrie sat her bag on her bed and grabbed her notebook out of it. She turned a few pages and stopped at a page where on the top said 'Party New Orleans'. When doing her research she had noticed that some of these parties were quite sketchy. They were described as no-go zones by the locals and at midnight they stopped partying. In newspapers and articles, she had also read about people disappearing from these parties. A normal person would have been freaking out and not dare a step into these parties, but for Carrie, this sounded like an opportunity to meet a vampire.

From her bag, she took out a dress and some make-up to make her appear older. She left the hotel and towards the location of this so-called party. A strict-looking bouncer stood before the entrance of the courtyard where the party was being held. Carrie worried a bit that he was going to ask for an ID, but when she approached him he quickly let her in. The party was already busy. The lights were bright, and the music was loud. People flocked to the middle of the courtyard and started dancing. Carrie did the same. She felt a bit intimidated by the older people who danced all around her. For a second she started regretting her choice and wanting to go, but then a man next to her accidentally flashed his sharp teeth. 

She immediately stopped her second-guessing and went over to the man. "I know what is going to happen at midnight and I will tell everyone if you don't turn me," she said. She had told that sentence over and over in her head and this was the first time saying it aloud. "Excuse me?" he asked in a posh British accent. A woman next to him turned to Carrie, "How adorable. How old are you, love?" Carrie began to felt sweaty, she hadn't really considered this possible outcome of that sentence. "Sixteen," she nervously told the truth. "And you wish to be sixteen forever?" Carrie nodded. The woman had a devilish smile on her face, "Follow me, my dear."

The man next to her seemed to disprove this but followed the woman along. She led them inside the building to a room that was filled with books. "I'm Bella and this is Edward," she told and pointed her finger at the man next to her. "Why are you doing this? Leave the poor girl alone," Edward said to Bella. "Let's hear the girl out first," she said grinning. "Why do you want to turn, my dear?" Carrie stammered, "Uh, a witch... killed my brother and I want revenge." Edward and Bella both looked intrigued, but Bella even more so.

"Ah, yes, those pesky witches," she said. Bella's eyes darkened and the veins around her eyes became visible. Edward saw what she was planning on doing and stepped in, "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, little girl." He glanced at Bella who looked annoyed, "And she doesn't care about you nor your story." Carrie now too looked annoyed. She knew what she was getting herself into. She did her research as long as the research she found was all correct.

"I, for a fact, do know what I'm getting myself into. I couldn't care less that she doesn't have the best interest in me. I just want to turn!" Carrie said. Bella's grin grew once again. This time when Bella's eyes darkened and her veins became visible Edward didn't stop it or didn't care to stop it. The woman plunged her teeth into Carrie's neck, which made Edward hungry too. "You can have a taste too," she told him. He also bit his teeth into her neck. Bella stopped and pushed Edward of her. She bit her wrists and fed the blood to Carrie. Carrie couldn't stop drinking from it so was pushed away by the woman just like she did to the man. After that, the world turned black for Carrie. Bella had killed her by snapping her neck.

Carrie woke up hungry, no, starving. She flickered her eyes that were adjusted to the bright light. She was on a bed in a small room. Edward was there. He was holding a blood bag, which Carrie immediately smelled. She stood up wanting to have it but was hit with an awful migraine. "I need that!" she yelled. Edward calmly nodded and gave her the blood bag. In less than a minute she had drunk it all. "I need more!" she yelled. "Listen, I'm going to teach you everything that you need to know because I feel bad that Bella turned you for a good laugh," he sympathetically told Carrie. 

"And step one is that you can't let your hunger get the best of you," he smirked and took away the blood bag where she was getting her last few drops out of.

--*-*-*- Editor's note -*-*-*--

Thank you for reading chapter fourteen! I had to take a break for a month because I had my final exams. It was quite annoying that I couldn't continue writing this story. Luckily, you didn't have to wait a month. :) This is far fewer words than the last chapter. So, hope you don't mind.

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