🍋 Work

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CW: sex, dirty talk, degrading?

top Dream
bottom George
there are established safewords (stop and pause) that they go over just in case

there's nothing else to it


*Third Person POV*

Dream was sitting in his gaming chair, focused on his computer moniter, his eyes were sore from staring at the screen for so long. He was currently working on a plug-in for a video he was planning on doing with his boyfriend. He is usually the one who does the coding, as he has more and fresher experience than George does, so he took responsibility for it for the time being and he was struggling a lot with it. It wasn't the coding itself, definitely not, the coding is easy, it's just the program he uses bugging out. He has spent a little over a week on just a few lines of code because his software either crashed, unsaved his work as it randomly closes out of the program, or just removes lines of code as he goes to check on something else. He's tried keeping the program open to avoid that, but even that failed as it would restart or just not respond so he'd have to start over and over and over again.

He spent so much time on it that he barely had time to sleep, spend time with friends, and most importantly be around his boyfriend. The most he'd say to him was a "good morning" or "good night" and usually "love you", it wasn't healthy to his or his boyfriend's health, mainly for lack if communication and lack of sleep for Dream. He needed a break but he was too stubborn to stop now, he was also really determined to at least get half of it done, which says a lot, as he can barely get 1/4 of it done before something bad happens. He's even tried using other programming systems, but they bug out too, and he also doesn't know how those work as well, so it's weird to code as it would correct him when he knows he put it in right. It was annoying and he was so stressed about it, he needed some time off and George saw that.

Dream leans back in his chair with an annoyed and frustrated groan as the program crashes once again. He hears a soft click of the door and he looks over to see brown hair and a pretty face pop in, "Clay?" That soft voice eases his nerves some, "what do you need George?" The smaller steps in some to show he's wearing on of Dream's hoodie's that was clearly big on him, going down to about his mid-thighs, making the other smile some at his adorable boyfriend. "Can we cuddle?" Dream sighs and motions for George to sit in his lap, George beams with joy as he trots over and sits in his lap happily, wrapping his arms around Dream's neck as his legs sit next to his thighs.

Dream places a hand on his back and rubs it up and down softly as the other goes back to the mouse and keyboard to close and restart the program so he can get back to work. "Take a break, please," "not right now," George looks at him with the cutest face he could muster, "please?" That face made Dream's heart melt, but he was still way too stubborn and felt the need to get some more lines out of the way. "Just give me a few minutes," "you said that yesterday," "just be a little bit more patient baby, okay?" George huffs for not getting his way for a good reason and lays his head on the taller's shoulder to think of something to get Dream off the computer.

Then something clicks in his head, giving him an idea that Dream never refuses, especially if George instigates it. The older starts to move his hips in circular motions, starting at a medium pace to try and turn the other on. He tries to hold back his own moans as he starts to kiss the blonde's neck, said male stopping everything he was doing, contemplating what to do. On one hand, the code has to be done by a certain point they set up for when they had free time, but on the other hand, his boyfriend wants to do something that can relieve him of stress and get him back to spend time with his boyfriend some. He liked the second option much more and so did his body apparently as a boner started to form in his pants, making them very uncomfortable. Though, he didn't want George to think that this was an opportunity to be dominant, just because he started it, doesn't mean he's going to be the one to end it.

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