Shop Till You Drop

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Dear Jesus,

"Wakey-wakey!" Hirena's voice shrilled, startling me out of my dream world.

Hirena's such a spoiler. I was just enjoying my dream about you, when she interrupted my blissful moment.

"Hey! Didn't you hear me?" she said, as she ripped off the warm quilt off my body. I groaned, wanting to sleep some more.

"I said get up, my friend!" Hirena said as she began tickling me. I squealed and laughed till tears leaked out the corners of my eyes.
Jerry's intermittent, light barks were what kept her spurred, like some sycophancy of sorts.

She knew my weak spot.
I was a laughing-crying puddle by the time she was done dealing with me.

"Okay, okay," I said in between laughs, "I'm up. You happy now?"

"What's the rush about? Today's Saturday, right? I think I still have some snooze time left," I said, as I let the magnetic force of the bed pull me into its enticing embrace.

"Huh, huh, huh!" Hirena said as she tugged me back up.
"We're going shopping with the others today, remember?"

"I know. Is that why you're disturbing my beauty sleep?"

"Yes! Now be up and get ready in," she looked at her wrist watch. That was when I realized she was already dressed. "Ten minutes."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nope!" She grabbed my towel and threw it at my face. That girl had guts. "And please, don't wear anything nauseating," she said as she bounded for the door, Jerry at her heels.

I made a pouting face at her.

She smiled. "Good morning, Cuz." Cuz stands for cousin.

I made an mock angry face at her. "Yeah right! After the insults."

She laughed and went out.

I plopped back on the bed and stared at my ceiling. It was already morning, apparently. The rays of dawn, that gave the ceiling a cool, off-white pigment, made that fact evident.

I sighed and thanked you for everything. This week had been so full of you. Ever since I received that impartation, it seems as if everything just opened up for me. Things I never knew existed are now even becoming more real to me than the reality that most people know.

The spiritual realm is real. Very real. I wonder how I had survived during my time of ignorance.

Yes, the temptations are still there, in fact, stronger than ever. But you've been a friend that sticks closer than a brother, a faithful high priest that has been touched with the feelings of my infirmities. You have been my help all the way.

And you were absolutely right. I can be real with you. You understand me even better than I understand myself.

"Thank you, Lord," I said. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. "Thank you so much for another brand new day. Another chance to live for your glory. I don't know what today will bring. I have not the slightest clue what you will show me today. But I trust you, that in it all, you alone shall be glorified."

And so my time of fellowship went on. Time stood still. Time evaporated.
It's always like that when I'm with you.

Sometimes it's hard to come into your presence. The flesh and the enemy try to stop me. But I've found that if I manage to find myself in your secret place, I never want to leave.

I was reading my Bible when Hirena came back in.

I mouthed, "more time please," to her.
She smiled, nodded and tiptoed back out.

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