I Hate It

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I hate love. It sucks so badly. Seeing stupid couples walking around the park like lost puppies thinking they're the cutest people the public have ever seen, or should I say as the hipsters call it, 'relationship goals'. It's so stupid. You hang out with this person for who knows how long just to end up getting hurt! How can you not see it coming? Nothing ever lasts, not even the Earth itself. We all love the sun yet it's going to kill us in a couple of years time. So what makes anyone believe that the love you have for someone or they have for you is going to last forever?

I should probably explain myself before we take this any further. I'm Abbie Quinn. Fifteen, student, brown hair, brown eyes. Don't suppose anyone cares about all them boring details though and this is the story of the relationship love and I have. It's a pretty crazy one.

I believe that their are two types of love in the world. One: You're a complete ninny and think you completely love someone when really you just like their face or the things they do, not their overall self. However Two: You're in love with every inch of them. You love their imperfections because to you that's what makes them so perfect. However I hate them both. Atleast that's what I thought.

I guess it was a day just like every other. Sat on my own, at the front of my maths class. I was certainly not a popular girl. To be honest I didn't have any friends but who would want them if they were all secretly going to talk about you behind your back. Not me! I prefer riding solo. Anyway so there was me, just twizzling my pen between my nimble fingers when the door burst open.

"Ahh yes! The new students. Class we have students that have moved up from third set!" My weird maths teacher, Mrs Gotliffe, shouted out to us. There were only three new students but for some stupid reason it was the most dramatic thing the class had ever seen!

"Okay so Jenny, you sit next to Frank, Billy next to Sarah and Henry, hmmmm" I tried to cover the chair next to me so miss would never notice that somebody wasn't sitting there.

"And Henry next to Abbie!" Damn it! He walked over to my table. It was only a small 2 seater table.

"Um, excuse me, Abbie is it? Can I please sit down on the chair? This seems to be my table now as well as yours" He asked with a smirk on his face. I already wanted to punch his lights out.

"You do realise that this is discrimination and against the law. I was the only person at this table therefore this is my table therefore this table is my property and for you to walk over here like some 'know it all' and say that this table is now yours as well as mine is against the law! My property not yours!" I literally climbed out of my seat shouting at him, yet he still just stood there with a devilish smile across his face.

"Actually, Abbie, that table is the schools property so sit down, get your bag off Henry's seat and let me continue my lesson okay?" I didn't reply to this. I hate my maths teacher and now I hated this jerk. I chucked my bag on the floor and sat down, slouching in my chair with my arms folded staring at the clock, counting every second down from when the bell was going to dismiss me from this lesson.

Thirty minutes into the lesson I turned my head around to view everyones faces in the class to see if they were as confused as I was. But I couldn't help noticing that Henry was sat staring at me.

"Um what are you doing?" I looked at him in disgust.

"You know, Abigail Quinn, if you took away all the dark makeup and put on some decent clothes, not saying Pierce the Veil aren't decent, it's just a tad bit boring when you wear that everyday, and then you would actually look so perfect. Like a princess!" I wasn't sure if he was taking the mickey or being genuinely serious but either way, I was offended and wanted to tear his head off his body!

"First of all, my name is Abbie! Not Abigail! Second of all, I dress and put my makeup on the way I want to! Third, you're not my personal stylist so get the hell away. Fourth, Stop stalking me you creep and finally I don't ever want to look like a princess! They are stuck up and dumb!" I shouted at him but not that loudly so nobody else could hear the conversation we were having. I turned to look back at the clock once again. Twenty five minutes left.

"How do you know?" He asked smiling at me.

"How do I know what?" I looked at him, narrowing my eyes so I could creep into his soul and twist his guts.

"That princesses are stuck up and dumb? Have you met one? Oh my god did you meet princess Diana?! Or maybe even Kate Middleton. You know, I always thought that Kate would be a nice, caring and intelligent princess but obviously not since you know all the facts and you're telling me she's not" He gave me a slight wink informing me that he was being a sarcastic douchebag! Although it was kind of weird. Nobody had ever spoken to me in my whole life at school. I was always the creepy girl nobody liked but this guy seemed to not know that. He wasn't afraid to be seen with me, although I hated to be seen with him!

"Look, I don't know who you are or what you want from me just please leave me alone" I didn't even look at him, I couldn't deal with his madness any longer.

"I don't want anything from you. I just think you're a beautiful girl. You just don't know it yet I guess" I was so confused. He's only known me for literally fifteen minutes and yet here he is telling me how beautiful he thinks I am!

"Dude, I really really really don't like you! Leave me alone and go flirt with some other pathetic loser, maybe you're little 'you're beautiful' act will work on them!" I turned to face him, staring at him right in his blue crystal eyes. They were magical. As much as I hated this boy, his eyes were perfection and that I could never deny.

"Abbie, you're just trying to push me away because somebody actually wants to be close to you and you've never had that feeling before. Trust me, one day I will change you're mind and show you the brighter side of life" I sat in silence staring at his lips as they parted and stuck back together as he spoke and with that the bell rang.

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