The Truth

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"Okay so let me run through this one last time. You and Henry have been talking about me behind me back and he didn't want to get close to me because he would miss me too much and be distracted from what he was meant to be doing?" This was all the information Becky had given me. Yet it certainly seemed like a bunch of lies.

"Why don't you trust me Abbie? We used to be bestfriends? What happened?" She looked at me with a broken smile.

"Henry happened. Love happened. Leaving me happened" I started to walk away from her when she suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to where I was standing.

"Henry left you for a really good reason! I can't tell you but trust me, you'll find out. It's better to hear it from him anyway" I knew exactly where this was going. Henry had left me for Becky. I understood completely. She was way prettier anyway, and more bubbly, friendly and everything Henry deserved. I just wish that instead of running away, he could've stood up to me and told me face to face. I began to walk away again and this time she had no intention of stopping me.

It was Monday. Back to school. Today was going to drag so much. Listening to everyone talk about prom was getting boring and annoying. I wanted Tuesday to hurry up so I could see Henry. He may like Becky more than me now but it didn't make me not want to see him anymore. I was desperate to see his tanned face, big blue eyes, curly brown hair and be engulfed by his beauty and care.

I had maths first and as usual, for 7 months, I have had to sit alone. Before Henry had joined me in this lesson I would have loved to sit on my own, but now I feel alone and empty inside. I couldn't concentrate on anything, not even the clock anymore. I just pictured my loverboy next to me, staring into his crystal blue eyes, knowing everything would be alright because he was with me, but not anymore. As I was about to take my seat near the front of the class I noticed a note sitting in Henrys place. I unfolded it revieling the message '1 Day Abigail'. I looked around the room, trying to see if anyone was looking back at me to give me a clue on what the hell was going on, but everyone was just sat down at their desks as normal. I was scared and confused. Maybe Henry had already arrived in England and was playing tricks on me or maybe I was on a pranking show. I had no idea.

English was next. I was determined to speak to Leon. I had to sort everything out with him. As always, besides the other day, he was the first one in the classroom. I went over to his table and sat down beside him and looked him straight in the spectacles.

"Hello Leon, I believe we have some sorting out to do, am I right?" I smiled at him to reassure him I was messing around with him, although I did want to sort things out with him. However, no reply.

"Oh, I see, the silent treatment! Well all you have to do is listen. I know Becky told you I have a date for prom tomorrow but she misunderstood. Henry is coming back to England tomorrow, you know, my ex boyfriend? Well she thought I was going to go to prom with him. Understandable mistake really, but he will not be attending the prom and me and him are no longer together so what do you say Leon? Me, you, under the disco ball?" I nudged his side playfully with my elbow. I begged to God this would work. He swivelled around in his chair.

"Abbie, as much as I like you, I already have a date. I am going with Becky" My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. I thought I was going to collapse. The rest of the lesson was spent in complete silence. Not even a glance was shared between me and Leon.

Break time occured and I rushed over to Becky who was eating a cheese toastie from the canteen.

"How dare you! You told Leon about me and Henry just so you could take Leon for yourself! You have both of these boys wrapped around your finger! Isn't it a bit greedy to steal both of the guys I like huh?!" I screamed at her! I was so mad, i couldn't hold it in any longer, even if we did used to be bestfriends.

"Abbie do you even hear yourself?! I haven't ever had a boyfriend! I've fancied Leon for who knows how long! Yet you never even noticed! You didn't even know he existed until i introduced you guys! Then you ditched me for him! I never took him away from you either. Me and him speak a lot so I told him about you and Henry and then he asked me to prom! I'm sorry but this was all right under your nose, it's not my fault if you can't see the truth!" She shouted back at me and then ran off with her cheese toastie in her hands. Maybe she was right. I never noticed Leon until she introduced me to him, and then I took him away from her. I was so stupid.

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