Reading Maps

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(Y/N P.O.V)

After having some blueberry pancakes and saying our goodbyes, I instantly tried to locate the east. The map wouldn't be so useful right now though, since I was unaware where exactly the wolves that looked after me were located. This was going to be a quite difficult journey.

But no matter! I can trust my instincts to guide me. Sure my scent detection isn't as good as it used to be, my natural sense of direction was. How does it work? To be honest even I don't know. But sometimes I use stuff like moss, the wind, the direction a river flowed, or even following where the birds flew helped me get to certain areas. It isn't something that your friends would be so impressed by when you put it more into detail, though. Better not mention it when I meet new folks.

As I was heading east I noticed a ball of brown fur, much bigger than a ball of fur would look if you ask me. Though it might be a normal thing in these parts, maybe I'm overeating. That is until it started moving. It can move it can move it can move-

The ball of fur wasn't a ball of fur in general. It had these purple alien like antennas, with purple limbs. Then it turned around. "Eh? Who're you? I've never seen you before" the brown ball with limbs spoke. I was beyond confused yet terrified that this thing existed. "Oh my it's even uglier then I imagined!" I blurted out. The ugly creature took quite an offense to that.

"Ugly? WHO'RE YOU CALLING UGLY? THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT NEW PEOPLE, BIG FEET?!" Big feet? My feet aren't that big. Then again, it does makes sense to react that way for being called ugly by someone you just met. Maybe this was the natural look of people in the east...

"Oh did I say it out loud? I'm sorry. Do people here usually look like you?"

He didn't look any calmer, I think I made him more upset. That changed quickly after he had a smug face.

(??? P.O.V)

Ohhh I get it. This girly here is new to these parts, isn't she? Heh, if she's as stupid as she looks I can get myself something out of this. Like what? Take her bag? But it looks a little heavy for me though. Oh wait! That pendant on her looks good enough. Hehehe..

(Y/N P.O.V)

He kept that smug face for a good while until he raised a finger up. "Heeey heey heeeey, don't worry about it. Lemme tell ya something, if you didn't know we eastern folks have a way of forgiving each other through neutral exchanges." The fur ball said.

"Neutral... exchange?"

His face turned into an exaggerated shock by my confusion. "Whaaat? You mean you don't know??"

"Know what?" I asked curiously. He gestures me to come closer, I was hesitant about it of course. "It's something that can't be said out loud, so would you please trust me?". Well, what do I know about these parts anyway? Not much. I should just take his word for it I guess.

I bend down to his level and inch myself closer so I could hear him. He whispered "How people in these parts forgive each other is by neutral exchanges. Unlike them, I get a different kind of exchange.." I didnt even notice him wrapping his little fingers around my pendant before he said,
"My way of forgiving is BY STEALING!"

In an instant the pendant was harshly ripped off from my neck, and that stupid fur ball ran just as fast as he took it. "HEY! THAT'S MINE!"

I sprinted after him but he decided to play dirty again. By that I mean he literally threw dirt into my eyes and fled as I tried to recover my vision. I can see a blurry small fur ball getting smaller in the distance, why that little...

I was given 2 options now. Head east and retrieve my pendant later, or chase that disgusting hair ball to the ends of the earth for my pendant. I better think logically about it though. I've been wanting to return to the east the day I left, that much is true. Then again, the chances are if I don't get my pendant back as soon as possible he could sell it or throw it away for payback against me. I can't let that happen!

I've made up my mind. That fur creature went south, so that's where I'll go. First things first though, I should take out Mama's map to see what exactly I'd be getting myself into.
There was a place that caught my eye though that had bigger words than the other locations marked, a place called 'Moomin Valley'. If it's a valley would it have people in it? A police station maybe? I could probably use some help to catch this rat.

Well I shouldn't be standing here doing nothing, so like that I steadily stepped into the somewhat wooded area and proceeded to head south.

~~~~~ 4 hours later ~~~~~

I've been walking for hours non stop without a break, I'm also very hungry. I should probably check my huge bag that's been weighing me down since I started my adventures. Maybe Mama was generous enough to pack me a lunch?

I open my bag to find string, a jar full of earth worms, a hook, and a bowl. A little note was in the bowl that read, "Back in my adventurous days we hunted and made our own food. Why don't you? -Mama"

.... y'know being hungry and finding out you have to do more labor doesn't exactly put you in the best mood. She obviously wants me to make a fishing rod and get food of my own. Would have been nice to just, oh I don't know, have a fishing rod in my bag for these kinds of things??

I guess I better find a sturdy stick then... I wish my adventures were more adventurous then what they're looking like so far..

As I beat trees with the sticks I find and determining if the sticks would make a worthy rod, I smell something from the distance. It smells like... cooked fish..

I could feel my mouth water as I try to get closer and closer to where the scent was coming from. Hiding in some nearby bushes I see a plate of fish left on a log to cool, as well as a man with a green hat and green coat rummaging his bag. He looks like he caught a lot of fish, that bowl with at least 5 fish speak for themselves.

I think it's a little selfish of him to not share just a little bit of his food. Am I really gonna resort to stealing from some man that smelled like tobacco and morning dew? You know people make bad decisions when they're hungry. When the green coat guy went into his tent to get something I instantly snatched the fish with my bare hand, and ran as fast as I could. From the distance I heard "H-hey wait a second!"

I feel so bad, but if I don't eat anything right now I'll go crazy! I scoop my bag and start to run as fast as I can, until I no longer heard the footsteps behind me. I had no hesitation about eating the fish I took.  I felt no better than that rat that took my pendant, I vow to make it up to the guy if I ever encounter him again. With that I put the fish bones on the ground and continue my way south, and maybe get a place to sleep at as well.

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