Behind Closed Doors

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    Chapter 1
"Hey Brook! Over here! Girl, where were you yesterday?" Brook walks over to me and sits down. "Hi, Scarlett! Sorry for yesterday, I just had a fever, but I'm feeling better." "It's fine Brook, no big deal!" I finished eating the rest of my sandwich, "I was thinking, since next week is spring break, maybe we could have a sleepover?" "That's a great idea, Scarlett!" We talk the rest of lunch about Brook coming to my house. Next thing I know,  the week is over and everyone's running out the doors of the school, yelling and screaming," SPRING BREAK! YAY!" Brook and I are the the last ones to leave the school because absolutely no one wants to be stepped on as they try to walk out. I get on my bus and talk to Brook all the way home.
The bus screeched to a stop as the bus driver opened the door to let me walk out. I walk the rest of the way home and up my driveway. Once I open my front door my baby brother comes flying at me, "Mom! Liams out of his crib." I yell. My mom comes rushing over to take Liam after she gives him a ton of kisses. I walk to my room and I set my backpack down. Going to sleep that night was tough, all I could think about was the sleepover with Brook.
I wake up the next morning and head to the kitchen to get some breakfast. "Morning mom!" "Morning Scarlett, do eggs and waffles sound good?" I sigh. The usual morning breakfast again. "Yeah, I guess." I take a seat at the table. My mom gives me my plate with the steaming hot eggs. "Waffles will be out of the toaster in a minute." I eat all my breakfast and head to my room. I skim through my closet trying to find something to wear. I hear a ring coming from my phone, I run to my nightstand where my phone was, I go to answer it. "Hello?" I ask the caller. "Hey, Scarlett!! Whatcha up to girl?!" I hear Brooks's voice say "Just getting dressed for the day. Excited for the sleepover tonight?" "Uh, Yeah! Why wouldn't I be! I didn't realize packing would be so difficult though." We both laugh. "So Brook, when are you coming over?" "Around dinner time, that's what my mom said." "Ok, see you then!"
I hung up the phone and continued picking out my clothes. I picked out a romper with long sleeves and shorts with flowers. I put my long wavy brown hair in a french braid down the back of my head. I walk over to my bed and start to read. I am reading a book called "The Myths and the Legends." It's a horror book about all these creepy things that happen, which to be honest I don't believe in. "Hey Scarlett, will you come and watch Liam, please." I hear my mom yell from downstairs "Yeah, be right there!" I put my book down and walked to where Liam was playing with his toy cars. "I am going to the grocery store, dad should be home soon." "Okay, I don't mind." My mom walks out the door. I grab one of the toy cars and play with Liam.
    "Vroom, Vroom!" says Liam as he crawls around the room, playing with his toy cars. My garage door opens and my dad's car rolls in. He walks in to see Liam and me playing. Liam slides a red race car under my dad's foot as he walks into the house. I yelled under my breath, "DAD! WATCH OUT!" Too bad my warning wasn't fast enough. My dad slips and falls on the red car. Liam laughs, "Liam! Don't laugh!" I ran over to my dad. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry!" My dad leans forward onto his hands, "I'm ok." He stands onto his feet and walks over to Liam. "Liam that was not nice at all, I know you are just a baby but you need to learn how to be nice," says my dad as he picked up Liam and carried him to his crib.
    My mom comes home from the grocery store, "Hey everyone! I'm back!" I help my mom with the groceries. "Thanks, Scarlett." I nod. I finish putting away the last food item. My dad walks upstairs to his office as mom starts to cook dinner. I ease Liam to sleep, and after that, I continue to read The Myths and the Legends. The more I read, the more interesting and weirder it got. The book was just about creepy stories that aren't real. Reading such fake books like this is entertainment to me, I don't believe in weird myths that people make up.
"Dinner time!" Says my mom. I walk to the dining room to take a seat. My family sat down at the dinner table to eat pasta that my mom made. The food was good. I finish my meal and wash the dishes. "Ring!" I hear at my front door. "I'll get it" I rush to the door to open it. Standing there was Brook, "Hey girl! So glad you invited me. We have a LOT to do. I got everything planned on a piece of paper." She shows me a list of fun sleepover activities. "I'm glad you could make it! Your list sounds fun, I can't wait!" I wave her in as I close the door behind her.
    I show Brook to my room. She lays her sleeping bag on the floor and we talk for a while. "What's this?" Brook asks as she grabs my book to show me. "Oh, it's just a little book I've been reading, nothing special." "Are you sure Scarlett? The book looks sketchy." I grab the book from her hands. "It's about untrue stories that try to spook you, why wouldn't it be sketchy!" I close the book to put it away but then Brook grabs it. "Can I read some of it?" "The stories are so fake, I don't know why you would even-" and before I could finish my sentence, Brook interrupts. "Ooo, page 564 sounds creepy!" I turn my head to what she was looking at. "Really Brook? You're not that dumb to believe in werewolves! Are you?" "Ooh! Well, what about page 1942?" Brook starts to read but what she reads starts to scare her. "Seriously, are you talking about that haunted house thing? Yeah, totally made up. I don't even know why I am bothering to read this." I take the book out of Brook's hand and throw it on my bed. "Come on let's do one of those things on your list." "Okay fine." Brook says
    After being downstairs watching T.V. for a little, we head upstairs because it is almost time for bed. "Scarlett can we please read some of the book. I really liked page 1942!" I think for a minute. "But Brook, the stories are fake." "Well I don't think that." she crosses her arms and looks at me. I sigh. "Fine, maybe tomorrow but for now, can we do something else before we go to bed." "Okay, but tomorrow we will read it." I roll my eyes. "Fine." We start to get ready for bed. Brook goes to get ready in the bathroom. I look down at the book on my bed. "More like stories of nonsense." I say to the book as I throw it across the room. After getting ready for bed, Brook and I lay down and turn off the lights and try to sleep. We talk for a little more time before we finally fall asleep.

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