~Mine-Charlie Barber-NSFW~

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A/N--part 2 of 'Babysitter'
Smut warnings: Daddy kink

It had been over two weeks since Charlie Barber had fucked you on his kitchen counter. And it had been over two weeks since he had last uttered a word to you. There was nothing but radio silence on his end; no phone calls, texts, emails, or visits. As much as you told yourself that he was giving you your paychecks and that it had been inappropriate, it still hurt to feel this way. To feel abandoned.

The thoughts were all still there when you went to sleep at night. Had you done something wrong? Did Charlie decide that it was disgusting what you had done together? They haunted you day and night; constantly prodding at the back of your mind.

School helped a little when it came to distractions. After all, you were still a full-time student seeking to get your degree in psychology. All of the time spent practically self-diagnosing yourself with that class was being put to good use right about now. This wasn't exactly the position you thought you would be in after such an ordeal with Charlie, but you supposed you couldn't complain. Not out loud for now anyways.

You shiver in your hoodie, yanking on the strings of the hood to bring more heat to your neck. Why the hell was it so cold in Los Angeles all of a sudden? Winter here usually meant different seasons each hour and old classrooms that couldn't decide between burning hot or icy cold. You grip tightly onto your school bag, trying your best to take the weight off of your aching shoulders. If your professor gave you anymore books, you would have to start throwing them at him. Maybe one would catch him in the head and knock some sense into him.

This week was finals week and your teachers weren't going easy on you in the slightest. Although you already had two tests behind you, the rest were going to break your back with books before you could even make it to the rest of the testing days. All you wanted was to go home, drink some wine, and then drown yourself in something stronger. That was the plan anyways. That and masturbating to Charlie Barber.

You knew it was pathetic. You always wanted to kick yourself for touching yourself to the thought of the man basically ignoring you. Here you were with your fingers in your panties every other night, while he was off who-knows-where doing who-knows-what. A part of you wondered if you had just been foolish like all of the other girls. You had already imagined a million different scenarios. Charlie hiring girl after girl, giving them one good fuck, and sending them on their way.

And why not? He was a divorced, young father with a shitty sex life. What was stopping him from just going from girl to girl? He had delivered your paycheck for a little while, left you to look after his son, fucked you, and went on his way. It was just that simple.

Then why did it hurt so damn much?

You grit your teeth, tightening your grip on your bag. With steady light thumps, your sneakers hit the concrete of the stairs to the front entrance of the school. You were so done with college. Shoving your hands into your pockets to seek out your phone, you quickly realize that it had been lightly buzzing. Frowning, you tug it out and flip the phone up.

Your heart jolts and then sinks at the name at the top of your notification bar. You had three unread messages from Charlie Barber. Taking a deep breath, you will your fingers to stop trembling as you open your messages app. You had missed the sea of blue and black text bubbles shooting back and forth. The time and date stamps from your last messages were mocking you now.


Come over.

We need to talk.


That definitely couldn't have been good. You scoff softly, stuffing your phone back into your pocket. I should just blow him off, you think huffily to yourself, that'll show him. Another dull hum of your phone stops you in your tracks again. Obviously Charlie didn't appreciate you leaving him on read. Your brow creases as you read the new message:

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