thirty one

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Leonardo DiCaprio as Anthony Miller-Teller


For I know the plans I have for you" declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future..."
- Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)


Anthony sighs to himself as he takes the steps up to Marge and Sig's house.

They've been raising him since his folks died.

That was twenty years ago.

He thinks about them everyday. He's even gotten a few tattoos for them. He's got his mom's name with her date of birth and death on his chest over his heart and his dad's years of birth and death on his knuckles. Anthony doesn't really remember much about his parents but from the stories he's heard from his grandparents and from his uncles; it's like they never left them. Sig has a drink dedicated to his daughter figure at the Snake Pit. Chibs is president of the club while Tig is VP now.

Anthony smiles as he gives Marge a hug. It's the twentieth anniversary of Alex's death, Jax's is next week. She keeps hearing Alex's voice saying 'don't feel sad and don't you dare mourn us; have a celebration for us.' Sig has a get together planned at the bar for his daughter and her fiancé for their anniversaries and everyone in Charming is invited. Anthony squeezes Sig's shoulder as he grabs himself a drink from the fridge then sits himself out on the porch.

The older couple watch him through the kitchen window and know he's really struggling with this; hell, they all are but this hits him harder than them. Anthony is 100% Alex and Jax's son, no doubt about it. He's been arrested twice as a twenty two old which is hard to believe being a Miller-Teller but he refuses to let Sig and Marge down. One of the times he was arrested was for public intoxication but it wasn't his fault, kinda. It was his buddy's birthday and they partied too hard. The other time was for possession. Again, his buddy was having a party and Tony had bud on him. Sig gave him the same speech he gave Alex when she was arrested.

Anthony runs his hand through his growing blonde hair, sighing heavily as he leans forward with elbows on knees. "You okay, kid?" Sig asks, dropping his old self in the chair across the table.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. Just missin' my parents, y'know?" Sig nods, giving him a small smile.

"Times are tough."

"Always are, always will be."

Sig gets a chill down his spine. "Your mother always said something like that."

"I gotta run to the clubhouse for something before the party, is that okay?"

"Sure, kid. Just be back by eight. That's when it starts."

"You got it, papaw." Tony stands and gives him a hug. "See ya in a bit." He sighs again as he heads to Alex's truck and starts it up to head to the clubhouse.


Anthony's been keeping a huge secret from
the two most important people in his life.

He's being patched into the club.

Anthony grabs his cut from the passenger seat and slides it on before heading into the clubhouse. Opie greets him with open arms. Anthony thinks of Ope as a second father or an extremely close uncle. He's always there for him when he's in shit and doesn't want his folks to know about it. "How're you doing, man?" He asks as Anthony makes his way behind the bar.

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