Chapter 2

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"You are the only one who can do this"

Hoseok POV
"Jimin" I said " Hi and yes I am jimin Yoongi childhood bestfriend" Jimin said "Oooo~" " Taehyung Shut up" I hear Jin hyung is whisper scold on tae "Can we talk for some time" I turn my head and see jimin with question face " oh-ok" Few time later we go to jimin favourite place in school "Wow this is beautiful" I said make 'O' shape with my mouth " Yes I know this place make me relief" " Yes it what you wanted to talk with me?" I ask him and he look at me and said "Why you and yoongi hyung always fighting?" "Ugh about that"

Flash back ( Hoseok pov )
'Today is my first day I hope I can make new friends' I thought my self then I bumped into someone
"Oh sorry I didn't mean that" I said feel guilty "YOU DON'T HAVE EYE'S" he said with full of anger
"I said I am sorry you should respect it" "Respect you haha never you horse" I wanted slap him so hard "Who you taught you are" "I am you don't know me" "I think I know you, you are a idiot" he realised his hand to slap me but I am fast then him I kicked his balls "Ahhhhhhh" "like I said you are a idiot
End of flash back
"That's how we are enemies" "hmmm I am sorry for him" "that idiot to say sorry not you" Thank you uhh" "Hoseok but you can call me hobi" no I don't call you hobi I am going to call seokie how's that" "this is cute Jimin" " No problem seokie"

Time skip in Hoseok House
"Honey I am going on trip for 2 months and my friend is also going with me she have a son why not you live with him" my mom said to me "okay mom how old he is" "27 or 28"  "oh ok let's go"

In hobi mom friend house
'This is really bad'

You know who is he don't you ok let's meet in third part byeee

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