First encounter

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A snowball hits the back of my neck and by snowball, I mean a sphere of rock solid ice combined with sludge. The point is that it hurt.
I carry on walking through the thick snow, letting the sheet of white engulf my leather school shoes. I've always loved the snow. I like the way it falls on everything. It reminds me that everything is equal despite what the status quo says.
Another sludge ball.
Apparently the snow doesn't make
everyone as humble as I. I start to quicken my pace afraid of what will happen if I turn around. "OI, EMO" Jesus Christ will this boy ever leave me alone, But the bigger question still lies. Will he ever grow his vocabulary? He's been calling me 'Emo' since year 8 when I dyed my hair black. I pick up my pace again. "Come back 'ere". I break into a run trying as hard as I can to prevent from falling over. The loud sound of Jason Merrick and his entourage running quickly fills the streets, I can hear the oaths catching up to me. Shit, this isn't going to end well. "YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE, FAGGOT".
"Fucking watch me" I mutter under my breath as I yet again gaining speed, I take off down an alley way that I never knew existed, but apparently it does. Eventually I can't hear them anymore, so I slow down. In fact I slow to a halt.
In front of me stood me a tall, muscular boy that had a similar hair style to my own. His arms looked firm but had a few bruises running up them, so did his jaw. This boy had obviously got himself into a few fights. He wore a white sleeveless top with grey jogging bottoms, they had a logo, I'm just not sure what of. I look up to see he had arms above his head and he was leaning against the things that separated us. But only just. He was stood behind the bars of a prison, or a 'juvenile delinquent centre' if you will.

"Hello there, you like what you see" The boy behind bars greeted me.

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