I didn't mean to stare, its just your eyes.

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"Hello there, like something you see?"

Il felt my stomache do that flippy over thing that teenage girls insist the happens when they see Benidct cumberbatch, or was that just my sister? It was probably just my sister. I tried to speak but his mouth just wouldn't form the shapes required. Instead i just sort of stared. Who ever theses eyes belonged to, I had just fallen in love with them. They were just so warm and welcoming, but something tells me that i have the wrong impression.

"OW, what the hell was that for" I say clenching my side. The little bastard just impaled my skin with a stick. How the heck did i not notice him pick it up?

"so you can speak. i was begining to think you were mute. Also a bit of a paedo." His voice so deep yet silky.

"You think i'm a mute, so you stab me with a stick?" What sort of whacko is the hot guy in  prison?

"No, i stabbed you because you didn't answer my question." I'm begining to see why he's in prison now. The little shit has anger issues, without a shadow of a doubt.

"And what was this question?" I have no idea where all this courage came from, afterall i did just run away from a gang of 15 year old thugs armed with snowballs.

"like something you see?" He asked again, this time gently reaching out through the bars and strockingmy arm. A shiver of pleasure ran through my body. I bit my lip and pushed back any anxiety that was threatening for leak through my mask of bravery.

"actually" i began to correct him. " That was not a question. It was just a statment with an ending that was higher pitched than the rest of the the sentence" I feel quite smug with myself.

I take this moment of silence to observe his behaviour.

The Boy Behind BarsWhere stories live. Discover now