2 0 0

8:00 PM, Liberal Bank Headquarters, Chairman of Liberal Bank Manan Dixit left his cabin with his secretary Abheek  Mehra. They headed to the parking lot of the building.

On their way in the corridor,

Abheek told Manan " Sir, Miss Dixit has sent message regarding the Thursday meeting. "

Manan replied " I know it has been postponed. "

" No sir actually, it has been cancelled. "
" Why? "

" She said that the board is no more interested in releasing IPOs. "

" So how they are going to raise funds. "

" I think you should meet Mr. Singh personally. "

" Call him and fix my meeting with Mr. Singh tomorrow morning. "

" Sure Sir, I am going to mail him by midnight. "

" Don't mail him, he never responds. You better call him personally. "

He added " And also please inform him about downsizing of our company. "

They arrived at the parking lot. Mr. Dixit got inside his black Honda Civic on the back seat with his secretary. On the way to home in the car Abheek received a message on his phone ' BOOM '. He asked the driver to stop the car.

Manan asked " What's wrong? "

He replied " I've to leave for something urgent. It's an emergency. "

" Is everything all right? "

" Would be better if you leave soon. "

" Sure. "

Abheek left the car with his phone in hand. Manan asked the driver to go on.
The car left the site. Manan heard a bleep sound from the floor of his car. He bowed his head down but found nothing.
A bomb was attached to the undercarriage of the car.

Manan read message in his phone " You've missed the boat Mr. Dixit. " The message was sent by his secretary Abheek.

In a matter of seconds the car exploded before Manan could get anything. Abheek who was standing at a long distance away from the explosion texted a message " Ball is in our court. "

A car arrived to him which was driven by Anil Tripathi, the personal assistant of Saman Raj. Abheek got inside the car and left the site.

Next morning in the university. In his class full of forty students, Mr. Saha, the 'economic environment' subject teacher went through a list and called out the name of Introvert as his name was on the first serial number. Introvert got up from his seat. He walked towards Mr. Saha and handed over him his project file.

Mr. Saha asked him " Topic? "
He replied " Globalization ".

" Please start. "

Introvert faced the whole class and started his speech.

" So first of all a very happy morning to everyone. Today I am going to briefly describe you about GLOBALIZATION.

Globalization is the word used to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information. Countries have built economic partnerships to facilitate these movements over many centuries. But the term gained popularity after the Cold War in the early 1990s, as these cooperative arrangements shaped modern everyday life. This guide uses the term more narrowly to refer to international trade and some of the investment flows among advanced economies, mostly focusing on the United States.

The wide-ranging effects of globalization are complex and politically charged. As with major technological advances, globalization benefits society as a whole, while harming certain groups. Understanding the relative costs and benefits can pave the way for alleviating problems while sustaining the wider payoffs."

After the entire session of seminar was over, everyone walked out of the class. Indra admired Introvert.

He said " It was a nice speech. "
Introvert replied " Really? "

" Yes. It was much better than mine. "

" I don't think so, there were lot of fillers in my speech. "

" You'll get over it. But you've made your mark in front of Mr. Saha. Congratulations, You are going to score well in your internals. "

They arrived at the library which was almost unoccupied by any of the student.

They arrived at the librarian table but couldn't find anyone.

Introvert asked Indra " How was your date? "

He replied " No progress. "

" So you didn't go to the cafe? "

" I waited for an hour there but she didn't came. "

He added " I called her but she didn't respond. When I checked my messenger she had already blocked me. "

Introvert chuckled and said " No worries. Better luck next time. "

" That's how you used to tease me in our school days. "

The librarian arrived on his table. Introvert handed over him a token.

Librarian asked " Which semester? "

" Third "

They walked out of the library.

Indra asked " What you are going to do this evening? "

" I have to attend a party which is organized by one of my father's colleague. "

Introvert received a call from his mother.

She asked " Had you called me earlier? "

" Yes actually I had to inform you that I would be late today. May be I'll back to home by evening. "

" Are you going somewhere? "

" Yes actually I have to attend a college event. It's a kind of a mock exam. You know my semesters are coming next month. "

" Don't be late as usual. "

Introvert entered into a multi storey building. He went upstairs to the analyst's flat. He knocked the door. The analyst opened the door with a coffee cup in hand.

The analyst asked " Is there someone with you? "

" No. Why? "

" Good. Come on. "

Introvert stepped inside the flat. The analyst shut the door. He was confused because it was analyst's birthday but he was all alone.

" I believed you would have called your neighbors on your birthday. " Introvert asked.

Analyst went to the kitchen to make coffee.

" My neighbors aren't good. Especially the children. Last time I had called them on new year celebration. They broke my new TV set and even took away my milk chocolates. "

" So you don't talk to them? "

Analyst stepped out of the kitchen and gave him a cup of coffee.

" I don't stay in my house most of the time. You know the nature of the job. "

Analyst wore a jacket and asked him " Would you like to have some ice cream. "

" Why not? "

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