22. Jealousy and Wars

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What fun would it be if there are no jealous, possessive, and overprotective husbands?! And at the moment, Zhao Yunlan was all three.

Zhao Yunlan paced back and forth in the living room, his third cigarette between his fingers.

"Lin Jing?" he scratched his eyebrow in confusion as he took one long drag, "Out of all people that gorilla?"

He paced around a bit more, then threw the cigarette away, and plopped down on the sofa, "even their heights don't match." He scoffed as he changed the channel, "Lin Jing cannot bloody read."

He kept changing through channels, taking out all his frustrations on the remote buttons, gritting his teeth at particularly no one, "Ugh, this stupid telly!"

He turned the television off and threw the remote away, now shaking his one knee, "why the fuck this house is so dirty!" he suddenly snapped.

Zhao Yunlan was a mess. He was shaking with anger, he just wanted to smash things and yell on top of his lungs.

He picked the vacuum cleaner and started cleaning the entire house. He cleaned the floor, dusted the shelves, the sofa, he even did dishes, all the while muttering angrily to himself.

"Best. Friend. My. Foot!" he violently scrubbed the dishes, "Bloody asshole even cheated on me with my girlfriend in school and now Shen Wei!"

"Stingy bastard!" he threw the plate in the sink, "does not even know how to spend money!"

"CHEVROLET, He BROUGHT A BLOODY CHEVROLET TO PICK SHEN WEI!" Zhao Yunlan was now yelling as he threw the dishes in the sink, smashing them. Zhao Yunlan resembled a fuming fireball.

"... Does Shen Wei like him too?" his voice was suddenly a whisper as his hands paused on a plate. His face was now a medley of worry and fear.

"I would kill Shen Wei if he even thought of choosing that Lin Jing over me!" he threw the apron and stormed out of the kitchen, only to slip right outside the door.

After exactly two to three seconds, a pained grunt left his lips as he stared up at the ceiling.

In the evening

"Mh-h-h-thank h-h-you for the ride," Shen Wei gave Lin Jing a small shy smile.

"No problem. I was wond..." Lin Jing gave him a sincere smile but was interrupted.

"Ah, you are finally home!"

Both Lin Jing and Shen Wei turned to see Yunlan grinning at them like a Cheshire cat. Both got confused.

"Hey, Lin Jing," Yunlan approached and stood right next to Shen Wei with his hand on Shen Wei's shoulder.

Shen Wei's eyes went slightly bigger, he looked at the hand on his shoulder and then at the owner of the hand, not able to understand the sudden change in the behaviour.

"Yunlan," Lin Jing was confused, Yunlan looked happy after so many days, he was suspicious, "You alright."

"I'm good. I'm good... but what are you doing here? 80 km from your home, and 48 km far from your work," Yunlan went for a frontal attack.

Lin Jing was caught off guard, he was nervous now, "I... I... umm... I...I was returning from work..."

"Returning from work?" Yunlan mocked, "You took the wrong exit, Lin Jing. A very wrong exit." he chuckled shamelessly but suddenly acted like a possessive husband and turned towards Shen Wei, "Ah, Baobei, let's get inside, you will catch a cold."

Shen Wei was still not able to understand anything when the term of endearment surprised him even more. He was made to turn before he could properly say goodbye to Lin Jing, he just looked at Yunlan like a lost puppy.

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