Chapter one: The Stars Above Us

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Piper's POV

I approach the front door of my current foster home, when I hear a loud crash coming from inside the little red house. The sound resembled precious glass plates being thrown against concrete. I run into the house only to see my little sister on the floor throwing dinnerware across the kitchen.

"What're you doing, Winter?" I scream as I run to her side.

"I-I got mad" She says looking down at her scraped up hands. I smile at her reassuringly, and take her into the bathroom where I tend to the wounds.

When I am finished she gets off of the counter and we walk into our room.

"What made you so upset?" I look her straight in the eyes so she will realize I am asking a serious question.

"Well, I was hungry so I got out the corn dog box to eat one, but there wasn't any left."

I take her small hands in mine and say," Winter, you know you aren't supposed to throw things. What do you do when you get upset?"

"Take a deep breath, close my eyes, and count to 10." She looks at me with gleaming eyes as if she is proud she remembered it all. I nod my head then motion towards the couch, telling her to sit down.

I turn on the TV as she lays down on the sofa; I grab a blanket and cover her fragile body; I hand her the remote then shut the door as I leave the room.

In the kitchen I clean up the broken china scattered across the kitchen floor. Daliah is not going to like this. Where is she? I would think she would have done something about all the commotion that Winter had made. I guess Daliah isn't here; how can she not be here? She knows we aren't supposed to leave Winter alone in the house! At that instant I hear Daliah's blue Ford F-150 truck pull up in the driveway.

As she walks in the house she gasps so loudly, it feels as if all the oxygen in the room has been taken by her intake of breath.

"Before you say anything, I need to talk to you." I say sternly. I walk over to her and look straight into her brown eyes. "You know we aren't supposed to leave her here alone! What were you thinking? If I didn't get back here when I did, she could have really hurt herself!"

She answers me in the same hushed tone I used, so we don't disturb Winter. "I was only gone for a few minutes, I didn't think she would possibly get wound up."

I burry my face in my hands and breath out a heavy sigh.

"Daliah, with her condition and anger issues, anything can get her upset. She is only six years old, any other six year old in the world wouldn't be aloud to stay home alone so what makes you think Winter can? We have to keep an eye on her at all times." Before Daliah has a chance to say anything stupid, I walk away and continue cleaning the kitchen.


That night on the hill by our house Winter and I sit, stargazing.

"What happened to mommy and daddy?" Winter asks nonchalantly.

"Well I don't know for sure, all I know is that they're gone. But we will always have each other." I tell her putting my arm around her shoulders.

"Where did they go?" She asks looking at me with wandering eyes.

"They went up there," I say pointing to the stars,"now they're in the stars watching over us. No matter where we go, they're always up there."

We lay on the hill for another hour or so, just looking around and enjoying each other's company. I notice that she had drifted off to sleep, so I carry her back to the house and into our room. I head towards the kitchen when I hear Daliah talking on the phone.

"Ya. I can take care of her..." She says.

Who is she talking about, more importantly who is she talking to?

"Is Tuesday a good day?...Ok great. I'll make sure the other girls aren't around."

Why doesn't she want us around?

She hangs up the phone and walks out of her room. At the very last second, I dodge into the bathroom so I am hidden. Once she passes me, I follow her into the kitchen where I watch her circle Tuesday August 19, 2014. That is in five days, but what is happening in 6 days?


Authors Note ~

Hi! So this is chapter one! I hope y'all enjoyed it! It is a little shorter and isn't as dramatic as some of the others will be. A special thanks to Khloees13 for editing this chapter!Thank you for reading and don't forget to like and comment!

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