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Aaron pov:

For the first time in a while I saw Zane eat. This was one of few times that I would be around him at a time you'd eat but still. I knew Aph and Garroth had been worried about him, but I was sure he'd be ok. But yet...I doubted myself.  After breakfast Zane helped my with the dishes. I took less time so soon enough we were in the living room planing on what we should do. "I say we do the outdoor eating tonight. It's supposed to start snowing soon!" Aph said excitedly knowing we would agree. "Ok so we know whats going on tonight, what about now?" Laurence said. "The path you were talking about?" Garroth suggested. So thats what we settled on. We all went to get our coats, seeing as it was cold out, and off we went.

Zane pov:

"So who's going to go first?" Dante questioned. nobody moved forwards. Not even Aaron. We were standing outside of the dark, looming pathway that led into the forest.'go forwards, you're being a coward. Plus whats the worst thing that could happen. you die? Thats not bad' The voice said. Without even thinking I started to walk down the path."Hey wait up" I heard Travis call and footsteps following me. The sound multiplied as I heard the rest of the group join in. Soon I was walking alongside Travis with the 7 others in the back. "You just full on went for it didn't cha'" Travis remarked with a laugh. Oh Irene his laugh. I chuckled, but didn't tell him what brought me to just go. After walking a while we reached a small cliff. "Woooooooow" someone said from behind me. "Imagine watching the sunset from here!". I knew that voice, that was Aphmau. "Ok be careful" Aaron said talking to all of us but mostly the hyper potato. there was a railing but it didn't seem very sturdy. I walked closer to the edge, some of the others joining in with me. "we could wake up sometime early and sit here" Lucinda said bringing back what Aph had said a minute ago. "Yeah! That would be cool" Dante said. "what about the snow?" I asked. "Oh come on Zane, theres something called a winter jacket. You wear it when it snows" Katelyn said. I just rolled my eye(s). We sat at the cliff and talked for a bit. "wow, look at the time" Travis said, pulling out his phone. "We should start heading back" Aaron announced. On our way back Aphmau asked us if we wanted to help we bake cookies. Only Lucinda, Katelyn and Travis excepted. "Zane~?" Aphmau asked coming up to me. "I think I'll pass". She looked up at me with puppy eyes. nobody and I repeat NOBODY can say a straight no to them. "fine" I said. "Yeah! Plus you kind of have to. You eat them all anyway" She trotted back over to Aaron. I know she didn't mean to but it kind of hurt. Plus the thought of eating all those cookies made we want to puke. puke... I had to make myself force puke tonight, which I was not looking forwards to.'You deserve the pain and discomfort anyway' The voice butted in. We got to the cabin and split out to do different things. Of corse I was stuck helping the cookie squad."so hows life been going for ya'?" Travis asked Katelyn. "Thats a stupid question. You've been with me for the whole trip.".  That hurt. I knew, at lest I thought, that Travis and Katelyn had a thing for each other but still. "Ok so we already made the cookie dough, now we just gotta put it in the oven." Aphmau said, snapping me out of the daze I was in. Aaron stepped in and was the one who put the cookies in. For the majority of the time it took the cookies to bake we just talked. "I can't wait for tonight!" Aphmau said, swinging her feet from where she sat, on the counter. "babe, it only outdoor eating." Aaron chuckled. "Well we will get to see the stars" Garroth said while walking up behind us, making Katelyn and I jump a bit."Oh thats true! I didn't think about that" Aphmau said as the timer for the cookies went. "Looks like you got here just in time, eh Garroth?" Katelyn said, elbowing Garroths side. "I guess I did". After the cookie were out of the oven Aphmau moved them to a different plate and left the metal one on the counter to cool off. 'Burn yourself! Put your hand on the metal. Travis doesn't love you! Nobody does!' Those thought invaded my mind and took control. *clunk*

Travis pov:

*clunk* Everybody in the kitchen turned to see Zane with his hand flat on the heated metal just staring at it. After a literal half a millisecond he finally reacted to it, causing Garroth and I to rush over to him. He was holding his hand close to his chest, eye(s) screwed close, while Garroth tried to get him to show his hand. "ZANE! What in Irenes name were you thinking!?" the brother questioned as I went to get ice from the freezer. "I don't know, I don't remember thinking" Zane responded with kind of in a defensive way. At this point Aaron was involved."you were looking at the plate intently" he pointed out. Zane stayed silent but let Garroth see his hand."It's not severely burned" Garroth inspected as I handed him an ice pack. "It's fine, it doesn't hurt" Zane said, trying to get his brother to lay off. "Just keep the ice on it" I said. We somewhat faded back into the normal conversation. I felt somebody's eyes on me, looking up I saw Aaron giving me a look. I knew that it was because of Zane. "Hey Aph, why don't you talk about dinner. Travis and I will work on setting up the fire pit" Aaron said, walking over to stand next to me. "Ok! I think we should cook over the fire" Aphmau turned to the others and they started talking. Aaron and I had walked over, and out, the side door to where the patio was."oh it is nice out here" Aaron said. He hadn't seen the place because when we went he was at the store with Garroth. "yeah" I said. He turned to me with a serious face. "do you know whats up with Zane?" he questioned. I shook my head in response. "I think Garroth knows somethings up too" I say as we start putting wood in the fire pit. "We should keep an eye on him" Aaron responds. "Yeah".

Zane pov:

What the hell, What the hell, What the hell! Why'd I do that?!   I thought to myself as the discussion of food went on. The thought of that much food made me want to vomit. 'Which you will be doing to night, theres no going back you already ate the pancake' the voice reminded me. "Zane?" I head a little voice ask. Snapping out of my thoughts I look over at the counter where Aphmau, the one who had called me, was sitting. "hmm?" "We asked if you were ok with hotdogs." she said. "Oh..uh sure" I responded looking down at my hand. "you're sure you're ok" Garroth asked me for what felt like the billionth time. "Yes Garroth, I'm fine" I say in a drowsy, sarcastic tone. One more lie to add on the pile.  

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