This is a revised version of Azian Prince of Dragons. The old version can be found on my profile. It contains added scenes and POV's.
This is only a sample. The full version is on Goodnovel.
What is GoodNovel? Goodnovel is a reading and writing site similar to wattpad. It has both a website and an app. You can download the app on the App store or on Play Store
Goodnovel allows authors to earn as readers read thier books. Yes, you will be required to pay to unlock chapters by buying coins. I don't believe it's too expensive though.
Goodnovel app:
The site:the new version:
Azian (Prince of Dragons)- REVISED VERSION SAMPLE
Werewolf"silly Girl, don't you know Dragons don't share?" *********** After her parents divorce Kaya Reneé Joston moves to the small town of Torent. Spending her final year at Rodney high, all she wants to do is cruise through the year unknown, whilst keepi...