The Three Of Us

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The sound of the camera shutter indicates that a photo has been taken.

Heterochromia eyelights lit up as he gazed upon the picture. Cyan colored orbs full of emotions, blue blushed dusted his cheekbones and the sweetest smile on his face.

It was a stolen shot of Baby Blue as he giggled at another lame joke of Syntax.

Rainbow smiled. It was another perfect picture.


One arm wrapped on his waist and another on around his chest. Blue had a hard time to move as two figures snuggled to him, but he find himself to not care.

It's just too warm, too comfortable and just too loving.

Blue fell back asleep and let his lovers cuddled to him closer.


Once again Syntax was plague by the voices. Those annoying voices kept pestering him with stupid questions and kept reminding him of the things he done in the past.

He can usually tune them out, but his emotions gotten in the way again. He's in the verge of breaking down when he felt a forehead against his. He opened his eyes and Blueberry's face filled his vision.

"It's okay..You don't need to listen to them.. I'm here.." The voices quieted then slowly, he calmed down.

That's right. The only voice should matter is Blueberry's.


He saw himself on the isle getting married to him, he then saw himself having a family with them. Syntax being a great Dad that he is and Blue being an amazing mom.

While he.. Was trying.

He saw those kids grew up and start a family of their own.

He saw himself spending the rest of his life with them.

Then he wake up.

It's so weird to keep having those kind of dreams, he didn't think that SOULless beings like him could even.

But when he looked at Blue's sleeping face, everything made sense.

Someday, those dreams will be their reality.


He loved the rain. The way those little droplets from the sky would cool down his bones, the sounds it makes is music enough for him, though the thunder and lightning startles him a bit. It's still nothing compares to overwhelming happiness that the weather gives to him.

It was also in the rain when he first kissed both Rainbow and Syntax.

From then on, the two of them loved the rain too.


Flowers scattered on the ground as music fills the air. Baby Blue took his outstretched arm and led him to a dance.

It was funny as sometimes, their step wouldn't be in tune with the music. It was clumsy as Rainbow would accidentally stepped on Blue's feet a few times. It was fun as the both of them would cracked lame jokes and laugh at the silliness of it.

It was sweet as none of them break off the loving gaze to one another.


Syntax loved OuterTale, it was one of those few AUs that calms him down. It might feel a bit cold and dusty, but he also felt safe here.

And he had the most beautiful view here. He glanced to the side as Blueberry kept his gaze upon the vast space. His cyan eyelights sparkled as he saw a shooting star passed by, those orbs full of wonder and amazement.

Syntax can loves the star in front of him.

He was the most beautiful scene that he had ever seen.


Rainbow had a talked with Baby Blue regarding his problem. He knows that he loves Blue, but without a SOUL, how can he be so sure?

"You know I would never purposely hurt you, but I get so afraid at the thought that I might do.."

Blue then embraced him tightly, his skull rested on his chest.

"I don't care, I've been hurt already and got through it. You can give me your worse, Rainbow and I'll give you my best."

Moving On:

He guessed it was finally time.

He kept coming back here, kept waiting and kept hoping that one day, he'll return to him once again..

Blue buried this ring so many times, but each time he does. He find himself digging it up once again.

It's just so hard when you loved too much.

He felt two hands rest on his shoulder and he found the courage to lay it down on the ground. Tears fell down as he said his final goodbye.

They both know how much Blue loved him. He was the best one that he had.. But when he looked up at Syntax and Rainbow..

He knew that he's with someone better.

Mr. Soulmate must be happy as Blue's promised was full filled.

He stood up as the two of them led him out of the place. He looked back gave the grave one last smile then left.

"I'm happy, you're finally moving on.."

AN: Mmm... Not canon. Lol

This is fun to write, BEI or Blueberry Jam is becoming my ot3 XD

Maybe you guys can give me titles like those and I'll give you a short scenario.

Also.. I want a ship name for these three (I don't ship Rainbow and Syntax, so no ship name for them-), but I can't think of any '^^

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