Chapter 3

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Akshani strode down the hallway through the gallery towards the entrance of palace " Rajkumari stop please! we will search him for you!" cried Chapala "If you had been careful enough Chiti would not have ran away on first pace !" said Akshani increasing her pace "rajkumari please stop, if maharani got know-" said Chapala there was a hint of fear in her voice Akshani stopped "Chapala don't worry about maa we will find Chiti and no one will know, and if someone will I'll handle the situation , is that fine for now ?" said Akshani holding one hand of Chapala this was the reason that each palace member used to adore rajkumari Akshani not only she was beautiful but also was one of the kindest princess the palace of Kaushi had witnessed.

Akshani started walking again to search Chiti she went to courtyard "Chiti chiti" she screamed "who chiti " a voice came from the entrance of the courtyard , entered Kaivalya..... broad shoulders, tall, fair skin, sharp eyes and with a wounded arm. "Bhaiya! you're back! what took you so long ? where is pitashree?" Akshani came running in excitement " Bhaiya ! " Akshani looking at Kaivalya' s arm "You're wounded ? How Bhaiya ? why no guards are with you ? Bhaiya we should go to rajya ved immediately " " Akshani Akshani Ashani go easy so many questions at the same time ! and you didn't even let me answer one! and why are you always in hurry ? " said Kaivalya "but bhai-" "Shh.. lets just first sit here I have something for you" interrupted Kaivalya

The courtyard of the palace was as beautiful as the palace itself King Bhrmadutt made sure there were as many flowers as anyone knows planted in the garden that surrounded the whole courtyard , beautiful birds always used to come there when rajkumari Akshani used to play her veena. Kaivalya and Akshani sat on a beautiful white marble platform the blood from Kaivalya arm had started becoming dry the wound wasn't fully recovered but the blood was now not flowing from it "Chapala ! Chapala ! bring some herb paste from my room and a clean piece of cloth. Bhaiya ! what happend to you do you have any idea how maa going to feel when she sees you like this" said Akshani in a tensed tone "Akshani these wounds these scars are honor for a warrior more the scars braver the warrior every scar has a story" said Kaivalya with a pride in his face looking at his wounded arm Chapala came running handing meds to Akshani "and what's the story of this wounded arm Bhaiya " said Akshani kind of mocking Kaivalya for considering being wounded as a sign of bravery. "Chapala you can go now " said Kaivalya Chapala hurried towards the palace Kaivalya puts one hand in his side pocket and took out a beautiful gem "This is for Naina didi , I will give her just a day before her wedding " Kaivalya eyes were shinning more than that gem with pride and honor of getting it . Akshani looked at gem though she has seen many gems this was indeed the most beautiful she had ever saw, she looked at her brother he was waiting for a compliment or a long praise from his sister then again looked at the gem "Father went all the way to north to discuss about the political tension between Magadh, Kashi and Kosala and how Kaushitakin  and it's citizen can be really helpful to resolve this issue he asked me to return and I remembered that there's a forest near Kosala which bears rarest of the rarest gems ......" Akshani seemed to be disinterested as Kaivalya continued to tell his journey and the bravery by which he secured that gem she was never interested into politics or war or stories of valor shown by the Kings as that's all she has been reading and hearing about since her childhood ' What is the benefit of hearing story of a forest you have never visited or the of the lake whose water you've never drank or of the valor of a mountain that you'll never climb' thought Akshani...... "I wonder if it's the actual gem or is it the hard work you've done to take it and bring it here " interrupted Akshani still in a tensed note " I expected a more flattering compliment from you Akshani " said Kaivalya pulling her cheeks "Bhaiya !" said Akshani removing Kaivalya's hands and started applying the herb paste on his wounds "Do you think didi will be happy to see this gem when she'll get to know you got wounded while bringing it ?" said Akshani while applying cloth to the wound "No.... but she'll get to know that how brave her brother is " laughed out Kailavya " don't you worry Akshani I'll bring a better more beautiful and even a bigger gem when you'll get married " Akshani looked at her brother with same disinterest "I can bring it on my own don't you think that bhaiya ?" she said "Off course you can only if father will allow you to go in such dangerous adventures don't we know that he loves you the most and a princess is supposed to give orders 100s of people will be ready to serve her " Kailavya winked at Akshani "Now if you're done I have to go to mahamatya . I have to give him a message , I don't think father will come till two days have to make sure palace works the way it works when father is here am I allowed to go princess ?" smiled Kaivalya Akshani nodded and he went into the palace . 

Akshani sat there for a while a bunch of unclear thoughts were revolving in her head am I not capable enough to go somewhere on my own ? do I have to live the way my ancestors have been living my sister my mother marry to a  prince have my kids teach them values is that all I can do ? between these thoughts  Chapala again came to the courtyard "Maharani wants to see you Rajkumari" said Chapala "hmm.." replied Akshani deep into her own thoughts "Chapala ? "she stopped " yes rajkumari ?" asked Chapala "When is mother and my sister is going to Kanyakubj ?" "Tomorrow after sunrise" answered Chapala "Good you have to do a favor to me  .." smirked Akshani.

As the sun was setting the streets of Kaushitakin were getting less crowded and silent however, the market of Kaushitakin had still not set off in between all those shops there was a shop very quite compare to others Koundiya was teaching his youngest son kishore how to ske jewelry by using a roller. "Pitaji we're back" Atul entered the shop with a big pouch in his hand and sort of hiding Abhiramah from his father Abhiramah enter the shop he saw his father glaring at him and he bowed his head down immediately  Atul looked back at Abhiramah and then at his father "We went to siraj ghat the mountain near it actually I found Abhiramah there only...... I think he went take these saphires  from gold miners look at these"  Atul went forward when Koundiya stopped him he looked at Abhiramah " Yes ... King Abhiramah did you enjoyed your stroll in the ghats or you still want to have a look at them ? and Atul you need not to lie to me to save your brother" both Atul and Abhiramah were looking down no one  even dare to look at Koundiya's eyes secially when he's angry "Pitaji please this time let him go I'll make sure he doesn't get away from his responsibilities " said Atul in a low voice " Atul he isn't your responsibility he's all grown up soon you'll get married you'll have a family to look after he should've excelled at every techniques by now and what he does just sits down with that quilt and paper thinking for hours ? where on the other hand he can work hard here learn the art we have perfected from generations this time I won't let Abhiramah go easily " said Koundiya getting up " Tomorrow morning Abhiramah you're coming with me I have a task for you " Koundiya walk past Atul and Abhiramah without looking at them "close the shop and come to home we have lot's of work tomorrow" said Koundiya walking out of the door . All three brothers look at each other kishore and Atul went after Koundiya while Abhiramah was closing down the shop. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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