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HAYYYYYY I'm Hannah!!! I'm the rainbow one in the pic✌️ I don't do much with life so don't expect my part of this to be interesting😂... Why am I laughing.... I don't edit my part soooo u CAN expect typos and incorrect grammar and stuff. But I guess that's what autocorrect is for. I guess I'm supposed to tell u about myself. My fav college football team is MISSISSIPPI STATE!!!!! I'm really short, I take bad selfies, I like kit-kats, I ship Joane Cannah (You'll find out about that later😂) and I'm better than you.😊💁 I can't think of much sooo BYE WHALES🐳!! (That's what I'm calling whoevers reading this... which is probably no one) Oh yea and expect sea puns too.
I also forgot to tell u whales that my wattpad is shortie_hc you should go ready book😉 but part two of the story on that account is on shortiee_hc

Why hello you little peasants. I am Kimbrell. I'm the cool one in the picture. If you're blind and can't see her it's the one in the pony tail and blue shirt. I'm gonna tell y'all interesting stuff. Well, I rlly like cookies, sharks, and books. I don't know how to ride a bike and have a fear of Ferris wheels. I take theatre drink out if coffee mugs even though I hate coffee and tea. my favorite song is Thinking Out Loud and I have 51 future husbands. yeahhh I watch a lot of movies. Ok Imma go eat now, BYEEEE. Oh and I have stories on @kimbrell_hinds You should read them, they're pretty cool. I'm the second tallest out of all five of us. I kinda love Netflix and YouTube. I never wear matching socks unless they are my slipper socks, Batman socks, or my red ones from Beta Club. Chocolate is gross. I went to a southern miss game and found this little kid named Elijah and I took a cute selfie with him. Bye for real now.

Hi. This is Jojo. The one on the left in the pic on the bottom left. The last few weeks have been the best of my life. You want to know why? I've been dating Jane. The beautiful one on the right in the pic with me. That's where JOANE comes from. Whoops. That auto corrected to all caps. I'm a wholocked potterhead demigod from district thirteen. Born in Seattle. I write books on super_potterhead (also my IG) so check me out! I'm also in the__marauders Kimbrell is my second favorite person.

HEYYYYYYYOOOOO. ITS RICO. JK IM JANE. Wow. That was so cheesy, but I feel so grate.
I'm the one on the bottom left with Jojo aka the best boyfriend in the world. JOANE (it autocorrects on mine too...) is my otp. Along with DEAMUS but not as much. I'm divergent between Hogwarts houses (I'm a Ravenpuff.) I'm also a daughter of Apollo.
I like books and cats and food.
READ MY BOOKS ON _janewilson bc they're rlly coolio.

Since Colin never wrote anything on here Hannah's gonna do it for him. HAY PEOPLE IM COLIN AND YOU SHOULD READ MY BOOK Colin_Bruff

Now bye🎎

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