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"DOLL......but why.....? " The 9 years old little girl  with her eyes gleaming like real crystals asked the 15 years old boy  out of her curiosity.

"I'll tell you but you have to promise me that you won't tell it to anyone else. "

Her little curiosity became more big hearing his words and watching his black and beautiful oceanic orbs.

She immediately nodded her head and replied while pinching her neck cutely.

"I promise I won't tell anyone.. "

The corner of his lips tugged a little upward watching and hearing her cute behavior.

"Because my father used to call my mother His Doll... "

Her little curiosity peaked its high hearing his reply and watching him smiling so beautifully while stating his words.

"And why...? " She asked with her cute and big doe eyes making his smile to widened a little more watching her.

"Because my mother's heart and eyes used to be innocent and beautiful just like a real doll. "

Hearing his reply, a beautiful smile crept on her small little face and her eyes started shimmering more and she again asked.

"But why you call me a Doll...? "

His smile became more big watching her eyes to started shimmering out of her growing little curiosity.

He gently pinched her pink and soft cheeks making her cutely pouted and he stated.

"Because your eyes look big and beautiful exactly like a doll just like my mother... "

Her beautiful eyes became more big and her cute smile widened more hearing his words.

"Really....? "

"Yes... A beautiful doll just like my mother.. "

She giggled and out of her happiness , she hugged him tightly..

"Thank you... "

His body stiffed a little feeling the warmness and softness of her touch because he felt that certain warmness for the first time in his entire life, he felt that calmness which soothed the pain and the emptiness inside him.

She broke the hug and smiled.

"Ok so from now on I am your Doll " She stated smiling but soon her smile turned into pout making him confused watching the sudden change in her beautiful shinning eyes.

"But you're a boy and I know boys don't love Dolls. They only like to break and hurt them just like those bad uncles who tried to hurt me today... "

His eyes turned more dark hearing her words and watching the sudden fear in her doe eyes.

"Everyone hurts the doll after they are done playing with it... " She stated and the fear and hurt was evident in her innocent eyes.

He held her little palm gently and placed his one hand over her soft cheek.

"Because not everyone has such a beautiful and cute doll just like me and my father have.

And don't worry I promise you I'll never let anyone to hurt my beautiful doll.. Just like I didn't let those bad people to hurt her today.. " He retorted with his deep and soft voice while staring at her big eyes.

And her eyes again lightened up hearing his words, she smiled alluringly.

"Promise....? "

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