Drug charges

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The night night before Angel got arrested

Facetime form Angel.

Angel: hey baby i was calling to say good night and i love you.

Catherine: goodnight i love you too call in the morning.

Angel: of course mi dulce.

The next morning

Catherine's Pov

I woke up and decided to call Angel but. Because he wasn't returning calls or texts. I got worried so called his brother Ez.

Facetime to Ez.

Ez. Hey Cat.

Catherine: where is Angel

Ez: umm?

Catherine: Ezekiel where is Angel

Ez: he is jail on drug charger.

Catherine:  what the fuck!  What  kind of drug charge.

Ez: he stole herion to undercover cop he looking at 8 years cat!

Catherine: what the fuck? When did this happen ?

Ez: last night

Catherine: he called me last night.

Ez: it must of happened last nightl he got of the phone with you.

Catherine: wow.

Ez: yeah my mom is pissed off.

Catherine: yeah i bet talk to later thank you letting me know.

Ez: of course talk to you later cat.

Call ended

Catherine's Pov

I was so mad at Angel for getting arrested for selling drugs to undercover cop and Angel tried calling me a few times while in been jail but i never picking up the phone. It's been a week since Angel got locked up. yeah me and Angel were still together but when i found i was pregnant that when decided end thing with him. I was about bring my baby to their family in jail. Emily was away with her family and Rita was to busy with her boyfriend. I went to coco's house.

Coco's Pov

I heard knock my door it was cat.

Coco: are you ok Cat?

Catherine: no Angel is locked up for selling drugs to undercover cop. And I'm pregnant with his Kid

Coco: what fuck is wrong with Angel? Have to told your pregnant?

Catherine: No i haven't talk to him since the night before he got arrested. He tried calling me since he's been jail but i never picked up the phone and i honestly don't want to know about the baby.

Coco: you really tell him Catty.

Catherine: No I'm not telling him coco!

Coco: are you ever going to tell him?

Catherine: not anytime soon.

Coco: okay.

Coco phone start ringing it was call from jail

Catherine: it's Angel isn't it

Coco: yeah

Catherine: I'm leaving

Coco: no stay

Catherine: i don't want to hear anything that comes out of his stupid face.

Coco: I know Cat but please stay.

Catherine: ugh fine whatever.

Coco answered his phone and put on speaker i could hear Angel

Angel: have you heard from Catherine?

Coco: yeah

Angel: i tried calling her few times but never picks up.

Coco: yeah i know but she is pissed off and hurt.

Angel: I know can you get Catherine to come see me.

I was going to say anything to Angel but i couldn't bit my tongue any longer.

Catherine: no Angel i won't come see you. Me and you are fucking done!

Angel: no baby please don't do this are you really going 4 years out the window.

Catherine: yeah i have nice life.

Angel:  Catherine Please don't leave me baby please.

Catherine: Bye Angel

I stromed out of coco house and get in my car went home.

Angel: Catherine!

Coco: she left

Angel: fuck man i fucked up bad.

Coco: yeah no shit man

Angel: can't deal with her hating me Coco. I love her so much.

Coco: I know but right she need space.

Angel i got go and please  keep an eye on her.

Coco: Of course.

Catherine's  Pov

My parents already to was pregnant i went to go Angel mom's because i wanted to tell her about the baby.

Catherine: Marisol can talk to about something?

Marisol of course Mija

Catherine: I'm pregnant with Angel baby?

Marisol: you haven't told him yet?

Catherine: no I'm so mad at him right now to tell him. I guess it's my way of getting back at him for getting arrested.

Marisol: Angel loves you Catherine you good for him. But Don't wait to long to him i would love to watch you and Angel raise the baby together!

Catherine: I'm going tell him tomorrow.

Marisol: Good.

The next we heard shots.

Catherine: Marisol!!! Talk to me!!! Marisol!!

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