04: First Impressions Never Last, I.

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04 : First impressions never last, Part I.


Eris looked up at the silver carriage in front of her. It was twice the size of a normal carriage and a little fancier because of the golden decorations around it. A yellow tiger with wings pattern was carved on the door of the carriage, their family's insignia.

She hesitated as her gaze fell on Caius' hand; he was wearing a pair of black gloves. Eris clenched her jaw as she placed her hand on top of Caius' then she held onto her dress with her other hand and stepped inside the carriage. She didn't get the chance to choose her seat since her father and the youngest son, Ember, was siting side by side on the left seat. While the second son, Sevan, sat alone on the right seat.

She took the seat beside Sevan. She was planning to take the seat beside the carriage's window, but the eldest had to ruin her moment by sitting beside her. It felt a little awkward when she realized that she was sitting in between Caius and Sevan.

If it was a normal story with a normal family, one would admire their sitting arrangement and Eris would look like the youngest and precious child of this family. The idea felt distant and vague for the lass that she felt a shiver run down her spine by just thinking of that odd thing.

Her father noticed her and tilted his head. "Are you feeling cold?" He asked. It must have been her imagination, but the duke's voice sounded softer than before.

Eris smiled a little and shook her head. She clasped her hands loosely and placed them on her lap. The carriage was silent, and the ride felt like an eternity for Eris. She was already itching to move away from them, as if it was an allergy reaction.

She scoots backwards and pressed her back against the seat of the carriage. Her pink orbs observed everyone, silently admiring her family's suffocating beauty. Her father was dressed in a dark purple military uniform matched with a fur shoulder cape cascading down his left arm.

Her brothers wore the same military uniform in a lighter shade of purple with intricate designs that emphasizes their appearances. As per tradition for families of knights, the men are required to wear military-types of formal clothes when attending a banquet or an event. It was a must for them as well since the Belladonnas are a family of knights.

Eris swallowed a sigh then she tilted her head up a little. Her pink lips were pursed as she silently stared at the carriage's ceiling. She was too busy thinking about the long carriage ride that she didn't notice her father and brothers admiring her appearance.

The combination of pastel and dark shade of her satin-like dress matched her pale complexion perfectly. The crystal jewelry she was wearing made her look like a mythical being, like the Goddess of the Moon. But the atmosphere surrounding her felt fierce and wild, like chaos. As if she was emphasizing that she was a Belladonna before a child of the prophecy.

They soon reached the palace where the banquet event was happening. Caius was the first one to step out then he reaches for Eris' hand, which the lass reluctantly held, and got off the carriage. She tidied her dress a little while waiting for the remaining members of her family.

The banquet was happening in the Jade Palace, the palace where most of the official events happen. Like its name, the hall of the palace was decorated with green gems and green fabric. The Jade Palace was famous for its luxurious vibe that will make anyone feel like they were a real princess of some dreamy fairytale story once they enter that place.

And it was no different from Eris' first impression of the Jade Palace.

For the first time in forever, Eris made an entrance with her family. Her father and Caius stood in front of them, while Sevan and Ember stood side by side with her. The crowd of the banquet were in awe as they witnessed the grand entrance of the Belladonnas.

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