A Goal! (Chapter 1)

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That was the sound that resonated through the forest as a young kid no older than 7 is seen holding a wooden sword with a fierce glare towards the tree that had all kind of slashes, his wooden sword looked like the bit of pressure would make it break his body posture was straight and sharp not leaving any blind spot his grip to his wooden sword was firm not letting it go squeezing it as it broke in his grip, He looked at his hands to see how dirty it is and the amount of skin that seem to be gone.

Izuku (Disappointment): How pathetic! I need to get stronger a wooden sword is not enough to quench my thirst for strength. 

Izuku was battered beyond anything he seemed to have gone through a rough training nobody of his age should go through but so far he hadn't show sign of feeling pain at all the amount of dedication to get strong was enough to make him forget about his pain not to mention the pain tolerance that he come to have when he was diagnosed as quirkless which led to his "Sister" Along with her "Friends" to bully him using there quirks made him forget those pain but now remembering those people made his blood boil in anger as he grabbed the rope that seem to be tied to the tree branch which also tied to a boulder, he then placed a dumbbells on his mouth as he started pushing one arm down as the boulder lifted up in the air then went to do the same in the other arm he repeated the same process over and over until it was sunset by now his arm muscle were extremely sore. 

Izuku: I will make sure you realize Katsuki that underestimating me is a big mistake you will regret

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Izuku: I will make sure you realize Katsuki that underestimating me is a big mistake you will regret. 

Izuku grin savagely as he has one goal to become the first quirkless hero and not only that he will become the greatest swordsman this world had ever seen, Katsuki, Katsumi, Izumi, Shoto and Shoka had once mocked him for even wanting to become the first quirkless hero but he is not someone who would just give up just because of some losers he will achieve it even if it was the last thing he will do. 

Once he settled down he gathered his training equipment and placed it in a hidden area that he could access, Izuku is glad that he learned wood crafting by himself it give him enough resources to create his own personal gym he wouldn't expect his ...

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Once he settled down he gathered his training equipment and placed it in a hidden area that he could access, Izuku is glad that he learned wood crafting by himself it give him enough resources to create his own personal gym he wouldn't expect his Step-father to even bother give him a gym membership because he knows he won't even do it as his main concern is his "Princess" but he once he surpass his little princess he look forwards to seeing there faces as they realized that the one they made him less priority had surpassed the one person they trained from 4. 

Izuku also wanted to become the greatest swordsman in honor of his father Roronoa Zoro a guy he whole heartedly admire as a role model a guy who has met a lot of hardship and overcome it, it's a shame that he died an early death fate can be really cruel but his father didn't seem to regret anything even smiling at the face of death as he knew he accomplished the one thing he wanted and that is to become the strongest swordsman in the world and have a child to continue his legacy or to become who he want. 

Zoro despite how people depicted him to be angry he is a nice person as he left Izuku with his note on the three sword style, no sword style and how to use Haki a very useful technique but to achieve it requires intense training to the point of even death it is then that Haki will awaken and then you will have to just master it but then again he is the son of Zoro he can't let something like that scare him as he will learn it but until then he need to master the "No sword style" which he seem to be doing quite fine in it then he will move onto the one sword style before he can go into the two sword style then finally three sword style will be his last goal. Armament Haki was something he needed to learn more than anything as from his father note he could implant it into his sword making it unbreakable to the point of even cutting through anything without exception and not even break he even heard that his father cut through a meteor. 

Izuku stood up after getting the break he needed before he decided to call it a day don't get him wrong he would rather continue training then stay in the house were he would see those ugly mugs but he needed to eat he could have settled with apples from the tree but his father gave him strict instruction that a diet is important if he want to get stronger quickly so despite his disdain towards returning to the house he went with it as he walked towards his house as he took the keys from a flower pot before opening the door and walked inside he could already see the family chilling watching TV with there "Princess" Izumi not even batting him a single eye nor even caring that he was pretty much bloodied and dirtied he already got used to this and didn't expect them to even care about him as they have lost that right a long time ago. 

Izuku then went to the shower as the warm water ran through his small yet defined body as it cleaned him of all the dirt and blood in just a second he felt amazed at how technology could advance he already feels refreshed like he can go once more train but he knew that he shouldn't overexert himself as his muscles hasn't recovered yet and he didn't want to accidently tear his muscles with him being impatient so he simply walked out opening the fridge by using the chair as a support taking an empty sandwich he placed it on the counter as he used the knife to cut a few small meats before he placed it on the sandwich as he munched on it savagely and in just two seconds he had already gone through his first one he was planning on doing a second one but a older male voice rung though the living room. 

???: Izuku, You know this food was made for Izumi right?

Izuku looked at the man he was skinny blonde man with blue eyes he looked like a breeze of air is enough to kick him into an early grave, Izuku gripped his knife in his hand tightly intending to stab him in the throat but refrained from doing so as he gave the most fake smile he could muster although it hurt his face as he wanted to show his big scowl but he wanted to keep the façade of the weak child for much longer. 

Izuku (Fake Smile): Sorry father I was just hungry. 

Toshinori (Sigh): It's okay just don't do it again now go to your room!

Izuku nodded as he jumped from the tall chair dropping the knife in the counter as he walked to his room upon closing the door he smashed his small hand into a wall it's wasn't enough to make a dent in it but it made a noise but those outside would never even care about him, the food he ate wasn't nearly enough to satisfy his hunger and he intend to take what he want tonight once they are asleep. 

True enough not an hour later they went to sleep soundly he then sneaked out of his room as he made as much sandwich he wants before sneaking back onto his room with all of it as he made sure to lock the door and ate silently as he read through his father note, Those who read his father letter would think he is mentally unstable for being blunt and cruel in his phrasing but for someone like Izuku it meant as a challenge to overcome as he is a Roronoa and they never give up in the face of a challenge. 

After dispatching of all the sandwiched and fillings his stomach he slept peacefully as he was now satisfied he would take the world head on and show those bastards who underestimated him and mocked him the difference in level they are playing at, He will trust himself and his skills he doesn't need people as they are bound to betray him like his family. 

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