Shower (Mattheo Riddle)

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Y/n = your name

You just finished your quidditch game against hufflepuff. As a chaser you got pretty beat up with some scratches here and there and a couple cruises on your thigh and torso. The game was fantastic, Slytherin won 7-3 but everybody played hard. Especially Cedric. Cedric has always fancied you even from year 1. You never fancied him because 1. He's a hufflepuff and 2. He's not really your type. Yeah he's hot but you wanted a more reckless guy that would go on adventures with you.

The whole team was screaming and engulfing you in a hug.

"Guys! guys! GUYS!!" You tried screaming as you were getting squished and people were pressing against your wounds.

" Ah sorry y/n didn't mean to hurt you there. Back off guys your going to flatten the princess." Flint the captain told everyone. He gave you the name princess after you made the team against all odds because you were so small, around 5"4'. He called you that because you crushed your first game even breaking Ginny's wrist which you hated, but he thought was an admiral trait that you wouldnt stop at anything to win.

As everyone backed off you let a breath you were forced to hold in.

Everyone contained to talk and laugh, as the crowd was still cheering and screaming.
"You looked pretty hot up there" Draco whispered in your ear from behind. Thankfully nobody noticed.
You spun around glaring at him. He always does, he flirts with you, becomes nice, then goes back to being the jerk he always is. You even slapped him so hard across the face in the halls when he walked by and slapped your arse. Even though you knew this your cheeks still started to turn a light shade a red. Draco in return smirked at you.

Still glaring at Draco with you back to the rest of the team you say, "I'm going to head back i need to take a shower and clean up."

"Mind if I join?" Warrington said chuckling, a few others high fived each other laughing being boys.
"You know..." you said tilting your head to the right a bit like a puppy. Shocking Warrington that your actually thinking about it. "No." You finished plainly without any emotion. He just sighed in return. The team started bursting out laughing from the rejection.

You gave some high fives to your teammates as you passed by making your way back to the school.

While you were walking through the empty halls you used some non verbal spells to stop the bleeding on some of your cuts. As you were walking with your head down fixing some cuts you didn't even notice someone was in front of you. You suddenly slammed face first into someone's chest falling backwards from the impact. The person didn't even budge one bit.

"Oww!" You exclaim as your hand shoots to your forehead to rub where you slammed into the person.
You tilt your head up only to be met with a dark pair of piercing eyes that belong to Mattheo Riddle.

"Watch where your going mudblood." He spat starting to continue walking the way you came from. Your face dropped at his words.

"I'm a pure blood, you narcissistic snake." You yelled back mumbling the last part thinking he didn't hear it. Oh but he did. With only turning his head to the side he said with venom dripping off his tongue "What the fuck did you just call me?" You didn't answer but instead starting to get up onto your knees turning around to face him. When you didn't respond he asked again, "I said, what. The. Fuck did you call me?" His voice getting louder as the sentence went on, turning around to fully face you. He had anger in his eyes, but an evil smirk on his lips.

"I said. Your a stuck up, spoiled, petty, narcissistic snake" You said walking closer to him so you were inches from him face to say the last part. You had a little grin on your face.

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