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Remus brought Harry a heated plate, then left him alone to go pace in the common area again.

Kingsley found him there. He chuckled slightly as Remus paced. "It's strange to see you like this, my friend. You're usually the rational and collected one."

"No, that was always you."

"This is about Harry, isn't it? You're not sure what to say to him."

Remus frowned, looking down. "Haven't the foggiest."

Kingsley nodded. "It's a big commitment, bringing him here."

"I'm not sure exactly what I'm committing to."

"You know exactly what you're committing to. The boy needs a father figure. He's chosen you, and you've already implied your agreement."

Remus swallowed hard.

"Have a seat, man. You look like you're going to pass out."

They sat down across from each other. Remus looked down at his hands, then at the empty fireplace.

"You were a good teacher, were you not?" Kingsley asked.

Remus smiled to himself. "Before I began endangering students? Depends on who you ask."

"The students are the ones who know the truth."

"I'm not sure the Slytherins would be singing my praises."

"I believe the others spoke very highly of you."

Remus shrugged. He could concede that much, but he still wasn't convinced that there was much overlap between teaching and parenting.

Kingsley leaned forward slightly in his seat. "What did you do on the first day of class?"

Remus raised an eyebrow. He had an idea of what Kingsley was trying to do, but he didn't feel like this was going to be helpful. "Ah, for the older students, I began with a practical lesson. I tried to catch their attention, to engage them."

"And for the younger ones?"

"For the first years, I laid down some classroom rules. For safety."

"You let them know exactly what to expect of you, as well as what you expected of them."


"That's what you do with Harry, then."

"I don't know what he expects of me."

"He'll let you know, if you tell him what you expect from him."

Remus nodded. "Thanks, Kingsley."

"I'm here anytime you want to talk."

Taking a deep breath, Remus stood and headed toward Harry's room.

Harry's instinct was to eat quickly, to avoid being discovered. He had to keep reminding himself that he didn't have to scarf down his food, that no one would hear him chewing and come to steal it away from him. He forced himself to chew carefully, to taste what he was eating, and to breathe between bites. The way he ate at Hogwarts.

He was just finishing his meal when there was a light knock on the door, and Remus came into the room once again.

"Feeling any better?" he asked.

"Yeah, loads. Thanks."

"I am sorry things went so poorly for you, Harry, and that I didn't see the signs earlier."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not."

It was quiet for a moment—Harry didn't know what to say to that. He finally asked, "So, er . . . how long am I saying?"

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